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Homeland Security 5 Year Anniversary 2003 - 2008, One Team, One Mission Securing the Homeland

BICE Interim Management Directors Named

Release Date: 02/28/03 00:00:00

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Border and Transportation Security Directorate
For Immediate Release
February 28, 2003

Washington, DC - Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security, Asa Hutchinson, and Assistant Secretary (designee), Michael Garcia, today announced the appointment of Interim Regional Directors and Interim District Directors for Interior Enforcement in the new Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (BICE).  Customs enforcement will continue under its existing field structure and leadership.  The appointments will become effective when BICE becomes operational on March 1.  

The interim directors will work out of the current locations of the 33 INS District Offices and the three INS regional offices.  

"This is an important step to bring better focus to the enforcement of our nation's immigration laws," said Under Secretary Hutchinson.  "These men and women will form the nucleus of talent to bring about the first steps towards the reforms to our immigration enforcement processes envisioned by Congress and the President, when they proposed and created the Department of Homeland Security."

"On March 1, we are putting a structure in place to both improve the enforcement of our nation's immigration laws and to focus the investigative resources of the Department of Homeland Security," said Commissioner Garcia. "These 36 men and women will help make these reforms a reality."

The BICE is one of three components of the Border and Transportation Security Directorate under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The new Bureau will be responsible for enforcement of customs and immigration laws. In addition, the Bureau will also be responsible for protecting federal buildings against terrorist and other threats.

The Bureau's 14,000 employees will be comprised primarily of Customs Service and Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) Special Agents, INS Detention and Deportation Officers, INS' Immigration Litigation Section, and Federal Protective Service (FPS) employees. Customs air and marine interdiction functions, as well as the Intelligence components of Customs and INS, and FPS will also be part of BICE.

President Bush has nominated Acting INS Commissioner Michael Garcia to be the first Assistant Secretary of BICE. Commissioner Garcia will report to Asa Hutchinson, the Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security.


Interim BICE Regional Directors

Eastern Region, Paula Corrigan
Central Region, Robert A. Wallis
Western Region, Anthony Esposito

Interim BICE Directors

Eastern Region Locations:

Atlanta, William Fred Alexander
Baltimore, Calvin McCormick
Boston, Steve Farquharson
Buffalo, Mike McLaughlin
Cleveland, Linda Rabbett
Detroit, Phillip Wrona
Miami, James Goldman
New Orleans, James "Mike" Johnston
New York City, Edward McElroy
Newark, Demetrios Georgakopoulos
Philadelphia, Bill Riley
Portland, Maine, Maria Hurley
San Juan, Puerto Rico, Myrna Pere
Washington District, Warren Lewis

Central Region Locations:

Chicago, Cynthia O'Connell
Dallas, Anne Estrada
Denver, Scott Weber
El Paso, Troy Henley
Harlingen, Phillip Tutak
Helena, Tom Homan  (detail from Dallas)
Houston, Mike McMahon
Kansas City, Robert Smith
Omaha, Alonzo Martinez, Jr.
San Antonio, Frank Chavarria
St. Paul, Mark Cangemi

Western Region Locations:

Anchorage, Robert Eddy
Honolulu, Don Radcliffe
Los Angeles, Ron Smith (detail from Portland)
Phoenix, Pat Schmidt
Portland, Oregon, Phil Crawford
San Diego, Wayne Wills (detail from Honolulu)
San Francisco, Mark Riordan
Seattle, Aaron Wilson

Interim BICE Special Agents in Charge

Boston, Robin Avers
Buffalo, Peter Smith
New York, John Varrone
Baltimore, Alan Doody
Atlanta, Robert Gattison
Miami, John Clark
Tampa, John Gaudioso
Detroit, James Dinkins
Chicago, Elisa Brown
New Orleans, Katherine Schulte
Houston, Joseph Webber
Denver, Jeffery Copp
San Antonio, Charles Harrison
El Paso, Patricia Kramer
Tucson, Steve Minas
Seattle, Leigh Winchelle
San Franciso, Charles Simonsen
Los Angeles, Lorraine Brown
San Diego, Michael Turner
San Juan, Manuel Oyola

This page was last reviewed/modified on 02/28/03 00:00:00.