Leadership Journal

January 12, 2008

Let's get Real

Secretary Chertoff Speaks at the National Press Club at the REAL ID RegulationsA key feature of modern society is the widespread presence of tangible proofs of identity, such as driver’s licenses and other government-issued IDs.

Our need for these documents is clear. Modern life consists of countless interactions among strangers and to guard against the dishonest or dangerous ones, it helps to have concrete evidence of who we all are.

But just as we need these documents to verify people’s identity, so must we verify the documents themselves. From potential terrorists trying to gain access to critical infrastructure, to illegal immigrants aiming to get jobs and stay in this country, to con men wanting to steal our identity, there are plenty of individuals who are obtaining these documents illegally or creating bogus ones.

Given this threat, the case for more secure forms of identification is compelling indeed. The 9/11 Commission recommended it; Congress has mandated it; the American people overwhelmingly support it; and now, my department has taken a big step forward toward achieving it.

In accordance with the REAL ID Act of 2005, yesterday we unveiled a set of uniform standards to help our states advance this national imperative.

Under these new standards, driver’s license applicants must furnish documentary proof of who they are and that they’re here legally. States must verify that the documents are legitimate, issue REAL ID licenses that are tougher to tamper with or counterfeit, and work together to prevent people from receiving licenses from multiple states. Department of Motor Vehicles offices must protect their operations and databases from identity theft and other nefarious activities.

Many states are already taking steps to secure identification and we will grant extensions for REAL ID implementation to those who need them and are making genuine progress.

To help defray the states’ implementation costs, we’re making $360 million available -- $80 million in dedicated REAL ID grants and $280 million in general homeland security funding. We’ve cut these costs by almost three-quarters by extending the enrollment deadline three years -- to December 2017 -- for Americans who will be 50 years of age or older as of December 2014.

As a result, the average cost increase for issuing a REAL ID license will be just $8 per person, or just $2 a year. For most Americans, that’s a price worth paying to secure our identity documents. But for a vocal minority, led by the ACLU and like-minded groups, it is not. Rather than an urgent necessity, they depict secure identification as an egregious violation of privacy.

Their position defies both logic and consistency. Have ACLU officials ever objected publicly to the presence of driver’s licenses and other ubiquitous forms of identification? Of course they haven’t. How then can they protest against every effort to secure these documents from fraud and falsification? Do they support insecure identification?

Privacy is indeed at stake here, but it’s the ACLU and their allies who pose the greatest threat to it. Without REAL ID, Americans will remain vulnerable to one of the most egregious privacy violations of all – identity theft.

Under our plan, the new licenses that States issue in 2011 will have to comply with REAL ID security standards.

Michael Chertoff

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  • I do not understand HOW it can take 6 to 14 years after the 9/11 attack to implement this ID? My gosh! That is not right at all.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At January 12, 2008 6:09 PM  

    I thought you already passed in back in 2005! Can't you speed it up? We are being flooded with illegal aliens, and some want to do us harm. I want an ID that none of them can steal my identity from.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At January 12, 2008 6:13 PM  

  • I can't help but wonder, has anyone in the DHS actually consulted with industry experts in Information Security and the financial industry about the actual usefulness of ID cards in combating identity theft? Identity theft is less of a dead tree problem these days - how will people present their ID cards online? Will financial institutions be required to ask for REAL ID?

    Fighting identity theft is a great goal, but I worry that it's simply an aside for the DHS. An aside which I'm not entirely convinced ID cards solve, REAL or otherwise.

    By Blogger M. J. Owen, At January 13, 2008 4:14 AM  

  • In the very last part of your article on REAL ID you mention the ACLU. Did you know that the ACLU got it's start as a "Communist" organization? YEP!

    The words of Roger Baldwin, founder of the American Civil Liberties Union:
    1918. “I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately the abolishing of the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.”

    After dodging the 1918 draft and upon release from prison, Baldwin founded the ACLU in 1920. It’s quite clear this “union” knows beans about civil liberties, as it is agenda driven. Multitudes of Americans blindly follow its sick and twisted agenda toward a morally fractured America. One needs look no further than its personnel to question its character of leadership.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At January 14, 2008 4:01 PM  

  • How will people who work at the airports and federal buildings know if a REAL ID card that is presented is genuine or not?

    Is it run through any type of reader-machine? Or is it all just depends on the person glancing at it; to decide if it’s real or not?
    If so, it would be easy to make fake ones and we would be right back where we started from.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At January 14, 2008 4:22 PM  

  • It amazes me how there are only pro-DHS comments on this blog. What an incredible statistical coincidence!

    By Blogger Toby, At February 2, 2008 2:02 PM  

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