Leadership Journal

December 12, 2007

A Year of Achievements

Secretary Chertoff Speaking at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
This afternoon I had the privilege of giving remarks at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars on our department’s accomplishments for the year and our priorities for 2008.

By any measure, 2007 was a year of strong progress and maturation for our department. From border security and immigration enforcement to passenger screening, critical infrastructure protection, and emergency response, we launched important initiatives to strengthen America’s security and we began to see the fruits of our labor in many vital areas.

To keep dangerous people from entering our country, we reached a landmark agreement with the European Union to share advance passenger information on international travelers. We also began collecting 10 fingerprints from foreign visitors at our international airports, which allows us to run more comprehensive terrorist and criminal watch list checks and identify unknown terrorists. We implemented new rules to improve screening of private international aircraft. And we strengthened passport requirements for air travelers in the Western Hemisphere.

To keep dangerous things from arriving here, we launched our Secure Freight Initiative to scan overseas cargo for radiation. We expanded our Container Security Initiative to 58 foreign ports so that our inspectors can screen cargo before it departs for the United States. We installed Radiation Portal Monitors at our land and sea ports of entry to prevent radiological materials and weapons from entering our country. We also seized record amounts of illegal drugs at our borders and at sea.

In addition, we strengthened critical infrastructure protection. We began implementing tough new chemical security regulations to protect chemical facilities from terrorist attack. To protect our ports, we provided port workers with a secure, tamper-proof TWIC credential. We deployed behavioral detection officers to more than 40 of our nation’s airports. And we expanded information sharing with our state and local partners through our participation in fusion centers.

In the area of emergency preparedness and response, we retooled and restructured FEMA, giving its employees better tools, logistics and tracking systems, and more effective disaster registration capabilities. We also hired full-time directors in all 10 of FEMA’s regions. As a result, FEMA’s response time was faster this year and the organization was widely praised for being on the scene quickly during the California wildfires and other disasters.

And to improve the department’s management and operations, we strengthened our information technology oversight and contracting, gave our employees new resources and on-line training tools, and moved forward to consolidate our headquarters operations into a single campus.

Next year we’re going to build on our success in these and many other areas. In particular, we’re going to continue to strengthen security at the border and enforce our nation’s immigration laws. We made a lot of progress this year to build fencing, hire new Border Patrol agents, and strengthen interior enforcement. Next year we will build even more fence, hire more agents, and deploy new technology at the border.

We’re also going to implement new secure identification requirements as part of our Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative and we will release final regulations for secure driver’s licenses under the REAL-ID Act. Secure identification was a 9/11 Commission recommendation and remains one of our best tools to prevent terrorism and identity theft.

Finally, we’re going to accelerate our efforts in the area of cyber security and we’re going to continue to institutionalize our department and work with Congress and American people to do our level best to protect this nation.

Of course, behind every one of our accomplishments this year stand the 208,000 men and women of the department. These achievements would not be possible without their resolve, the continued support of our public and private sector partners at every level, and the American people.

Happy holidays and thanks for reading.

Michael Chertoff

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