Leadership Journal

September 12, 2007

Is 9/11 Fading?

Secretary ChertoffI’ve started this journal to open a dialogue with the American people about our nation’s security. I would like to hear your thoughts about the steps we’re taking to keep the nation safe. This way, we can learn more about concerns you have within your states and communities. And I want to hear fresh ideas and even constructive criticism about our Department. From time to time, I’ll take a moment to write about issues on my mind, and I’ll invite other members of the Department leadership to offer their thoughts as well.

Of course, yesterday our nation marked the six year anniversary of 9/11. For many of us, 9/11 is still fresh in our minds. The morning of the attack I was on my way to work at the Department of Justice, where I headed the Criminal Division. I spent the next twenty hours at the FBI Operation Center unraveling the first layer of the plot. We determined who the 19 hijackers were by listening to the messages some of the passengers left with their loved ones when they called in from the airplanes. Then we were able to determine where the seats were on the airplanes, and compared the seat numbers with the passenger manifests. That allowed us to identify the 19 hijackers. We then tracked their activities through car rental receipts, hotel receipts, and credit card receipts, and followed the money backwards. Ultimately the trail led to the Al Qaeda network.

Yesterday, I had an opportunity to visit the crash site in Shanksville, Pennsylvania to meet with 9/11 family members. I also spent time at a memorial ceremony in Washington, D.C. honoring first responders who risked their lives rescuing people at the Pentagon. I know these family members and responders will never forget what happened to our country six years ago. I am concerned, however, that for some Americans, the reality of 9/11 is fading.

The Department of Homeland Security exists to prevent a repetition of attacks like those on September 11th. I hope this journal will encourage you to remember why we’re taking actions to protect our country and why it is important that we never lose our commitment to the memory of the heroes of 9/11. I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your time.

Michael Chertoff

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  • i don't think anyone will ever truely forget 9/11. We are constantly reminded about the good DHS does and how America is a safer place now. Despite it taking a tragedy, the implementation of this division has, and will continue, to keep us safe. keep up the good work!

    By Blogger Scout, At September 13, 2007 12:09 PM  

  • Re: Fall 2001 anthrax mailings

    How would you characterize the probability that US-based supporters of Al Qaeda (or Egyptian Islamic Group or Egyptian Islamic Jihad) are responsible for the anthrax mailings?

    By Anonymous Ross Getman, At September 13, 2007 10:02 PM  

  • Sir,

    If you are interested in what is happening on the Texas/Mexico border, then please look . Here is a link to a related report by KHOU. Note that all this is happening after 9/11.

    What is your excuse for the federal government failing to protect the U.S. border, especially after 9/11?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 14, 2007 8:04 AM  

  • How about preventing another 9-11 by actually doing something about closing the border with Mexico in a meaningful way?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 14, 2007 8:07 AM  

  • September 11, 2001 will never be forgotten by America. Yet, while we have been successful thus far in preventing similar such attacks, we continue to leave ourselves exposed by not sealing our borders.

    Frankly, this Administration has been unforgivably lax in this theater of our war on terror. While I won't go into various conspiracy theories such as the North American Union (which I don't hold), I will say that the Administration's support of the horrendous 'Shamnesty' bill, and dogged resistance to a border fence and adequate protection leaves one wonder where their priorities lie.

    Let's get the job done, folks. A border fence is NOT impossible. Neither is holding employers accountable for employee citizenship identification, nor deportation for any illegal-alien found by law enforcement. That's all spin. Let's start today and get the job done right.

    By Anonymous bcsco, At September 14, 2007 8:24 AM  

  • This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Anonymous bcsco, At September 14, 2007 8:26 AM  

  • I appreciate your work sir. However, I can not help but be baffled that 6 years after 9/11 our border is still not secure. Securing our border so we know who comes into this country seems like such a simple concept to grasp and yet its not being done! Do we have to have another 9/11 before we decide its a good idea to protect American citizens and secure the borders of our sovereign nation?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 14, 2007 9:11 AM  

  • I think what we should do is open the borders entirely and let them come across unscathed. Not sure how that will work, but since you seem to be positively sycophantic on this issue, I might as well do the same.

    The doublespeak on immigration is positively orwellian. What we need is less bloggers and more masons, fence builders, and infantrymen on the border.

    By Blogger Thus Spake Ortner, At September 14, 2007 9:17 AM  

  • Until the US/Mexican border is sealed, there is no such thing as Homeland Security.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 14, 2007 9:24 AM  

  • Good post,sir !

    By Anonymous gene finneran, At September 14, 2007 9:47 AM  

  • You seem like a man who takes his job seriously, Secretary Chertoff, and I respect you. I am, however, upset and confused at the lack of concern in Washington D.C. at the laughable security at our nation's southern border. Please close our border and make immigration status a factor in criminal cases so that criminal illegal aliens can be weeded out of our society. Only after this is done can we consider a path to citizenship for the less dangerous illegals in America.

    By Anonymous Joe Manning, At September 14, 2007 10:02 AM  

  • Mr. Secretary,

    First let me thank you for service to this country. The fact that there has not been another terrorist attack on America since 9-11 speaks well of you and your department. Thank you.

    One thing does trouble me however. Our borders remain dangerously unsecure.

    I am sure that I need not remind you of this, but it does raise the question of why you would have it continue.

    This policy has eroded the rule of law and caused many to lose faith in the abilities (and motivations) of the federal government.

    Please, for sake of all Americans, do what you can as Secretary of Homeland Security to secure the nation's borders as soon as possible.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 14, 2007 10:21 AM  

  • In February 2006 you appeared on the Radio Factor in which you assured Bill O'Rielly and the listeners that funding for the border fence has been secured and that by September you will have had 250 miles of the fence built.It is now September, Can you explain why the fence has not been built?

    By Anonymous LazRus, At September 14, 2007 10:47 AM  

  • The blog is a great idea.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 14, 2007 11:17 AM  

  • I'm concerned about the Civil Air Patrol in New York State. It has recently come to my attention that NY Wing Headquarters is in poor condition compared to other wings in our region. Since we are a state that has been attacked twice in our recent history, and of strategic importance militarally, commercially, and in search and rescue efforts, I think it would be a good idea for DHS to become more involved with CAP, especially in New York.

    It also concerns me that there is only one squadron in Nassau County on Long Island and how it doesn't get much attention. I am a cadet in said squadron, and while we have a good structure and excellent senior members, I feel worried about how Long Island Group and New York Wing doesnt put much time into us. We certainly make our efforts, but need help from CAP and DHS if we're going to become a search and rescue qualified squadron. I believe this is especially important because we are the only ones in Nassau County, and the only one to do missions and/or community service in our area.

    We want to do our jobs, but we don't get much to do. We're losing cadets because as it stands now, we're just a bunch of people who put on the uniform, go to a meeting, and learn drill and the other cadet programs, without the active hands on approach and feeling of importance from doing CAP missions (other than regular squad activities). We want to help our state and country, but units like ours need help - my primary concern is making sure New York Wing is in order however. Make sure they have the up to date equipment and infrastructure to do their job, and then concentrate on more local units. Thank you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 14, 2007 12:35 PM  

  • Good afternoon Secretary Chertoff-

    Thank you for providing this blog and accepting feedback. I agree with many other commenters that the most important issue for Homeland Security should be to seal our borders and take control of entry to our beautiful country. This seems like the biggest no brainer in history, and it's frustrating that nothing seems to be happening. A 250 mile fence is just a start, and that hasn't even happened yet.

    Based on some good police work Houssein Zorkot, a Lebanese medical student at Wayne State University was arrested this week with an AK-47 in a Dearborn, Michigan, park while dressed in black clothing with camouflage paint covering his face. I would like to hear from you on the issue of what homeland security officials are doing to track foreign student visa holders, especially students from terror supporting and sympathetic countries. This also seems like a no brainer, you should be keeping track of them before it is too late.

    Thanks again for providing this service, and I look forward to hearing your answers to these issues.

    By Blogger Phil, At September 14, 2007 2:39 PM  

  • I believe the memory of 9/11 is fading in some government agencies. For instance, why is Houssein Zorkot, the Lebanese medical student at Wayne State University who was arrested with an AK-47 Saturday in a Dearborn, Michigan, park while dressed in black clothing with camouflage paint covering his face, not being investigated by Homeland Security? Why are the jihadist leaning medical students not being monitored, let alone let into our country. These are the things we need to hear addressed by Homeland Security.

    By Anonymous davecatbone, At September 14, 2007 2:42 PM  

  • Where's the fence?

    By Blogger je, At September 14, 2007 3:55 PM  

  • WE are in the process of placing people in the Fence building area with cameras to track and post the progress on the web.

    Where would be the best spot to document this for the American public.

    And why is the drug lab in the link on this blog....still standing.

    We will be placing the name and phone nueber of the Fence contractor once my Senator gets the info from your office. We will then visit and have others visit to track progress with photos on our blogs.

    As you should. Why dont you put up a site with pics and progress on it....as you should.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 14, 2007 5:12 PM  

  • Our country will never be secure until our borders are secure and ICE and the Border Patrol are given the resources and freedom to do their job. We must find and deport those who overstay their visas and make it known those who overstay or who enter our country illegally will NEVER be eligible for citizenship. SECURE OUR BORDERS FIRST!

    By Anonymous a concerned American, At September 14, 2007 9:37 PM  

  • What are the DHS stats on crimes committed by illegal aliens?
    Also how can you have security without building the fence?

    By Blogger Yhguy, At September 14, 2007 11:35 PM  

  • Where the 250 miles of fence to protect me and my family from illegal alien rapists,murderers and druggies?

    By Anonymous J fields, At September 14, 2007 11:39 PM  

  • Duncan Hunter authored the bill for a fence from California through Texas, which was signed into law. Please see that the fence is built faster.

    OTMs (Other Than Mexicans) have recently crossed the Mexican border, and they have had know links to terrorism.

    By Anonymous Sun, At September 15, 2007 12:27 AM  

  • Why do you think people are finding it harder and harder to believe anything you say? Could it have anything to do with the absence of the promised border fence? Could it have anything to do with the border control agents rotting in jail while Mexican drug smugglers run free? Could it have anything to do with the latest Z visa debacle, after how many thousands of voters have phoned and written letters and e-mail telling you to ENFORCE THE LAW as it exists before you try to make new laws? If I started only obeying the laws I liked what would happen to me?

    By Blogger Durandel, At September 15, 2007 1:24 AM  

  • I am sorry, sir, but I think almost nothing has been done beyond air transport to secure our borders. Our southern border is wide open and almost nothing has been done to secure marine and rail traffic. Furthermore, there has been an almost callous disregard of our Nation's laws. Our civil liberties have been attacked which, to me, is a sign of incompetence: poor intelligence, and a gross lack of funding of the border patrol, as well as factors too numerous to count. I would like to applaud your efforts, but I find them to be quite weak and ill-advised.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 15, 2007 9:35 AM  

  • Steps for increasing security:
    (1.) Securing all Government Computers and Networks
    (2.) Securing Networks belonging to Critical Infrastructures
    (3.) Securing our Borders and Ports
    (4.) Increased Monitoring of Financial Transactions.
    (5.) Physical and/or Information Strikes against Logistical Structures that support groups which are a threat. By hitting Logistical Support Structures (Financial and Supply) that support Terrorism: the ability of Terrorist Organizations to execute attacks is minimized
    (6.) Deportation of Aliens from Countries that support Terrorism

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 15, 2007 6:54 PM  

  • I think that the memory of 9/11 has faded a bit. This Administration sure hasn't take the border into account. SEAL THE BORDER. There is to much at stake to continue letting the flood of Illegal Aliens, not Immigrants, Aliens. Immigrants come lawfully. Who knows how many terrorists have waltzed across our Southern Border.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 16, 2007 12:54 AM  

  • Is 9/11 fading? thats an obvious yes. all you hav to do is look at the political climate in this country. the borders are open, possible amnesty for illegals that includes gang members and violent criminals. one of the best ideas would be to admit who we are fighting against and stop the politically correct stuff. it is a war, we need to know clearly who our enemies are, we need to truely secure our borders, and we need to be a country of riflemen again. admiral tojo (mind behind pearl harbor) once said:"we will not invade for there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 16, 2007 2:31 AM  

  • As far as forgetting about 9/11,everytime an illegal alien escapes across our border and assaults our children ,we Americans are reminded about 9/11 and the terrorism your dept , does not protect us from.We live in fear.

    By Anonymous Jorge, At September 16, 2007 5:46 PM  

  • Where's the fence?

    By Blogger MGallops, At September 16, 2007 9:07 PM  

  • Rep. Duncan Hunter has a good plan on how to get the fence built much faster. Please contact him.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 17, 2007 9:46 AM  

  • WHERE'S THE FENCE? Its apparent that your department and Bush do not realize the other war we citizens face on a daily basis - you know the one where our borders are open and we are under attack from the alen invaders daily, both physically (rapes, murders, etc.) and economically (we cannot compete with third world nations). Our sovereignity is at stake yet you claim you cannot enforce our laws much less build a fence that has been mandated and funded by law?

    Why is Compean and Ramos still in jail? Why does Sutton still have a job?

    We will believe our government when the borders are secured, and the invaders have been deported.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At September 17, 2007 10:16 AM  

  • Thank you for taking the initiative to create a more direct link to the American people where some of your positions and views can be expressed.

    I believe many Americans are tired of hearing from officials only through sanitary press releases and overly-scripted Congressional hearings. I found your perspective on 9/11 both thoughtful and interesting.

    Like many American’s now working in homeland security, I was working in the private sector on 9/11. However, as the first epidemiological indicators of the Anthrax Attacks were coming to light, I received a phone call asking me to get involved with an effort to respond to that crisis. I quickly accepted the invitation to help and have been working on homeland security related efforts ever since.

    Despite the time that has passed, we must never forget the lives lost, the utter heroism and the many lessons of that fatal day.

    Again, I believe your new Leadership Journal is a great way to help improve communication between DHS and the American public and look forward to reading your future posts.

    By Anonymous hsleader, At September 17, 2007 4:13 PM  

  • I can only hope you read these comments, although I have little hope that you take them seriously.

    I appreciate the impossibility of your position in heading the department of homeland security. The strategy of war used by terrorists is to place the responsibility for the declaration of war on the individual who is going to war. Specific strategy springs from the intent of the individual according to the circumstances and opportunities that arise in the environment of that individual. Each terrorist, on an individual basis, is personally at war with any individual who adheres to the philosophy that has prompted them to take up arms against the "evils of the world" in defense of "god" (as if god could be defended by the actions of men)

    Your department has been called to respond to the active threat of these individuals, each of whom represents an army of one in an interconnected network of alliances, refuses to acknowledge our standing armies role in defending our citizenry, and treats each citizen of the United States as a soldier and enemy combatant in their cause.

    You have not been called to duty with a mandate of effectiveness. Instead you have been charged with lifting the responsibility of war from the individual citizen, and defending a body of people from a threat that attacks on an individual and opportunistic basis: a mandate that is barely possible as it is. On top of this, you are limited from access to information and action by the mandate that you not interfere with the freedom of choice of individual citizens. According to every philosophical tradition, both modern and ancient, you can not succeed in your stated task given the circumstances you are presented with.

    I sympathize: it is something I struggle with in my own line of work.

    This is not to say that the task is impossible, but it is the citizens of the United States, and not the police, national guard, or military, that must be on the front lines of this war. We understood in WWII that a war effort must include the participation of every citizen: in their own way according to their own ability. The same is true now. We must gather a personal knowledge of the people in our neighborhoods and workplaces. We must patrol our own streets, parks, and abandoned areas local to us. We must know each other well enough to trust each other, and know ourselves well enough to act on our suspicions in an American way: calmly, with respect to each others potential innocence, and without compromise for the safety of our individual "tribes" "clans" and families.

    I would urge you to allow this war to be fought on our own soil, where it can be fought, and to use the vast resources available to your department to facilitate the fast networking, communication, and ready reserve of backup forces to the population of responsible citizens who desperately desire, and deserve, a chance to defend their own land.

    I would urge you to start a program of door-knocking in which every citizen who is willing collects a face to face personal relationship with every individual in their own community in a way that we have not seen since Amway, Kirby, and Encyclopedia salesmen campaigned with the vigilance and tenacity of the Mormon church

    I would urge you to recommend that our soldiers in the military be taken from active duty over seas and returned to active duty in neighborhoods in the United States where they can be the defenders of their families and neighbors.

    I would urge you not to close our borders but to open them to an enemy who understands that we are armed, vigilant, and prepared with our own interconnected alliances of individuals with an equally strong intent to stifle their every ability to move with our awareness of our own surroundings.

    I would urge you to make most all of your relevant intelligence generally known to a network of local citizens in every part of the country, knowing that if and when the information leaks, it can only help our cause against terrorism, which thrives on secrecy and mistrust between a government and its people.

    I would urge you to support the gathering and tactical training of local militia groups who practice first response techniques in their own neighborhoods with their own weapons, and to give the members of these militia groups leniency and amnesty from the many "protective" laws enforced by local police which only serve to interfere with the ability of responsible citizens to act according to their conscience.

    I would urge you to develop a "Wikipedia" for intelligence photos, reports, videos, tactics, suggestions, and information which every citizen can access and add to, and which can also be subjected to exhaustive analysis by your department.

    I would urge you to organize your database of US citizens and residents (illegal and otherwise) according to who can be trusted the most instead of who can be trusted the least.

    I would urge you to treat the deaths of US citizens caught in terrorist attacks as casualties of war, and not as murder. We must know we are at war to act like we are at war.

    The reality is that you can not protect us: and this will certainly play out catastrophically if you stay your present course, but given the proper support, we can protect ourselves: as eventually, we will have to.

    Trust us. We are Americans.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At November 6, 2007 4:35 PM  

  • 9/11 had became a part of American history. Over years, it will always remains in the hearts of American people no matter what the circumstances might bring in the future.

    By Anonymous Costa Rica Real Estate Jack, At March 26, 2008 7:32 AM  

  • I would suggest the SPP and the Federal government NOT to facilitate multi-modal corridors. Build a border fence then put a giant NAFTA superhighway through the entire continent??? Doesn't make a lot of sense.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At May 8, 2008 2:42 AM  

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