Leadership Journal

May 9, 2008

ICE and INTERPOL Cooperation Nabs Child Predator

Hands in handcuffs.
One of the most important lessons for law enforcement in the 21st century is that cooperation in investigations is absolutely essential. As criminals and terrorists become more mobile, more sophisticated and more technologically savvy, it’s critical that law enforcement agencies across the board work together to get the job done.

That spirit of cooperation was on display in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) most recent success yesterday when we arrested a suspect in an international child predator investigation in New Jersey. The arrest stemmed from an alert circulated earlier this week by INTERPOL, the international law enforcement organization that works closely with ICE agents in fighting transnational criminal activity.

It was a tough case: The suspect’s name, nationality and location were a mystery. But his face was known from a series of photographs depicting the sexual abuse of three boys between the ages of six and 10 years old. The pictures, believed to have been taken in Southeast Asia, were originally discovered by police in Norway two years ago. Since then, the photographs have been circulated widely to law enforcement agencies around the world.

INTERPOL, working with ICE investigators, distributed a new alert on the suspect on May 6. Traffic to the INTERPOL Web site exploded, with more than a quarter million hits, as the public and law enforcement officials joined in to help offer information that might identify the suspect. Thanks to these Internet tips, by the morning of May 8, ICE agents arrested 59-year-old Wayne Nelson Corliss of Union City, N.J., who at this time is believed to be the man in the photographs.

This alleged predator is now in custody and will face charges for the exploitation of vulnerable children. It could not have happened without the coordination and cooperation of law enforcement investigators working around the world to keep children safe.

Julie L. Myers
Assistant Secretary
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

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  • Naturally illegal aliens who have committed hideous crimes in their home countries would feel a need to leave and seek out another……..coming to OURS to do their dastardly deeds.

    That is why we need a more rigorous crackdown on the illegal alien population and stricter border control at our borders. These criminals have committed all kinds of crimes and want to bring that crime with them across our border. We need to do everything possible to keep them out. That’s what we expect from our government.

    We have a right to say “who does” and “who does not” come into our country! That is the law.

    I am glad that ICE caught this criminal and want to see an increase in general “crackdowns” especially where it is getting even more scary, and where incidents seem to be on the increase.….along the California – Mexico border!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At May 12, 2008 12:29 PM  

  • Impressive, anonymous. Way to turn a story about the capture of a U.S. citizen (one assumes) into a rant against illegal immigration.
    Does freerepublic.com have a big front-page link to this blog or something?
    Don't turn this story about the proud cooperation of international crime investigation agencies into something it is not.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At May 13, 2008 9:42 AM  

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