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Homeland Security 5 Year Anniversary 2003 - 2008, One Team, One Mission Securing the Homeland

Homeland Security Components

Defense Industrial Base Sector: Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources

person pointing to a fighter jet plane

Sector Overview

The Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Sector includes components of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), other government agencies and the private sector worldwide industrial complex that have capabilities to perform research and development, design, production and maintenance of military weapons systems, subsystems, components or parts to meet military requirements. The DIB Sector includes more than 100,000 companies and their subcontractors who perform under contract to DoD, and companies providing incidental materials and services to DoD, as well as government-owned/contractor-operated and government-owned/government-operated facilities. DIB companies include domestic and foreign entities, some with operations located in many countries. The DIB Sector is dependent upon a number of other sectors, including Energy, Communications, and Transportation Systems.

The DIB Sector provides defense-related products and services that are essential to mobilize, deploy and sustain military operations. The DIB Sector does not include commercial infrastructure that provides power, communications, transportation, and other utilities that DoD war fighters and support organizations use to meet their operational needs. These activities, including cyber, are addressed in DoD's broader Defense Critical Infrastructure Program (DCIP) and are integrated in all DIB Sector activities.


For more information, contact nipp@dhs.gov.

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This page was last reviewed/modified on October 31, 2008.