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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is having an exit system important? It will allow us to positively confirm through biometrics that an individual has, indeed, left our country. By knowing who departed on time and who overstayed the terms of their admission, we can better manage our borders and build more integrity into our immigration system.

That might work for those who enter the country on a legal basis. It does nothing about those who enter the country illegaly. What about those people? Why are the legals being subjected to this?

April 26, 2008 7:20 PM

Anonymous RS said...

Thanks to the worst ever immigration policy. The neigbour in the north gave me a green card in 10 months.

I waited patiently for 8 years to get a greencard here and nada I am still waiting and I give up.

FYI - it is not just me who is moving north, but also my team of 50 engineers/researchers who are moving north. We found vancouver to be equipped better to hire smart, talented engineers as they need not be worried about their immigration status. This is our exit strategy and we are more than delighted after going through the painful ordeal immigrating in this country. And thanks to Bill Gates and Microsoft, if not for them, we would not have got the idea of moving north.

April 29, 2008 6:08 PM

Anonymous Make Money Online with homebizseo said...

That great, but what about the entry through non legal ports? The use of any system is better than the use of no system. We do not want another 9/11 and the government is stepping up the levels at a steady rate since the tragic events.

April 30, 2008 3:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have been waiting a LONG TIME for this very EXIT Program to start! I am glad there is an actual start date!

WE NEED THIS EXIT PROGRAM. Since approximately 2/3 of legal visa holders "overstay" their visas and become ILLEGAL ALIENS!

And when they overstay their visa terms; that is not fair to citizens. They cannot be allowed to take our jobs/work from us any longer.

Viva DHS! My only complaint is that it took way too long for an EXIT plan to be in place! It needs to be at all ports; both Land; sea and air.

Overstays account for millions of illegal aliens.

April 30, 2008 1:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a question.

When a visa holder stays past their departure date that is indicated on their visa, and then if they do not leave the USA…….then what “signal” would be given to the DHS / Border Patrol that such a person needs to go be picked up?

Would the DHS receive an alert; and would they “respond” accordingly? By that I mean, would they go seek out the offender and apprehend them?

That is what should happen! That is what we are counting on happening!

April 30, 2008 1:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We shouldn't be allowing in any visa holders without a standardized exit plan with documentation.

That should be common sense and something this country should have been doing from the start; before issuing any visa's to anyone.


April 30, 2008 2:16 PM