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Blogger Michael said...

It's good to hear that people really aren't afraid to travel into the United States. This is a beautiful country, a blessed country, and people deserve to see all the wonderful amenities we enjoy here. It makes me sick to see how much the media skews reports and polls to fit their stories. - Michael New Jr.

May 13, 2008 12:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Baker should be clearer in his post - the way the post is phrased ("The Washington Post recently recycled a travel association claim...") makes it seem as though a Washington Post reporter wrote the story that follows. In fact, it was an opinion piece in the Post's weekly "Outlook" section. The Post often prints opinion pieces that clearly do not reflect the Post's views, so this blog piece ought to reflect that.

May 14, 2008 5:51 PM

Blogger Kokila said...

Terrorism is the major problem in the world and maintaining security has also become major challenge for powerful countries like America therefore management of tight security while traveling US should be considered safety precautions for the travelers not a problematic boarding process.


July 30, 2008 2:06 AM