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Anonymous Michael Payday said...

Great news! It's funny to me that during the election there was almost no mention of illegal immigration whatsoever. I'm glad knowing that although the mainstream media and therefore mainstream America were ignoring illegal immigration, someone was doing something about it. Good job!!

November 24, 2008 5:16 PM

Blogger Pete Murphy said...

Terms like "comprehensive solution" and "temporary worker program" are euphemisms for sanitizing the flood of immigrants by legalizing it. The problem is not that the immigrants taking our jobs don't have green cards in their pockets. The problem is that they are there at all. The American labor force is already bloated well beyond the demand for labor, driving down incomes. We don't need more immigrant labor, regardless of whether it comes from Central America, Europe or Asia.

And our challenges of reducing our dependence on foreign oil and reducing carbon emissions won't be made easier by importing more oil consumers and carbon emitters.

What's needed is a serious population management policy that recognizes the need for population stability, beginning with a dramatic reductions in both illegal and legal immigration.

November 25, 2008 8:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no doubt that ILLEGAL ALIENS have caused more problems than anyone could have ever imagined. These problems WILL NOT go away until each and every ILLEGAL ALIEN is out of this Country and back in their own country where they belong. What gives them the RIGHT to be here breaking our immigration laws? Yes, WHAT RIGHT?

I believe it is up to the States to pass laws like Arizona, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri and a few other States. If this happens, and it can, this time next year we will have something to be thankful for. Having our Country back and free of the slime that invaded this beautiful Country!

November 25, 2008 4:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Secretary Chertoff - My family would like to thank you for the terrific job you and DHS have done in keeping our wonderful Country safe under your watch. We have always enjoyed listening to your comments and presentations to the public. Best wishes to you and all who have served us well under the Bush Administration. Thank you

December 1, 2008 2:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


December 9, 2008 6:43 PM

Anonymous beatrice corato said...

The ILLOGICAL Quaestio about immigration is: "they are poor and we must help them, but if they feel nostalgic for their countries... then WE MUST understand them, also if they KILL US". This is the "communist's teorema" which had permitted this illegal and UNdemocratic situation also here in Italy.
I hope our all begin to help them leaving this persons in their contries and helping their economies there, in their homelands! But if we tell that... then all "democratics persons" call us "racists". I hope in the Good Sense of Human People because so it's impossible go toward.
I want remember that "racist" is who protect the illegal immigrators who come here and become criminals, while the "democratic persons" continue to live their indifferent life.
Thanks & Good Work, excuse my terrific English, sob!:)

December 14, 2008 4:51 PM

Anonymous beatrice corato said...

Dedicated to last Anonymus commentor on December 9.
"Where are the border Fence?"
If You imagine Your HOME... your bed-room with your cd, dvd, pc, tv, pelusce etc. and one violent man would entry in that room to take with arrogance your "jewels", what you make?
I want answer what I would make: I'll GUN him! Because my jewels are the scifi dvd, are Star Trek, Stargate, Galactica etc. None gift me that, and you dont know how many I had worked and cried and fight for buy the dvd. If you enlarge this exemple to the USA borders, then you understand because the Worker USA must protect and defend their Workers, especially today. Excuse my English, I hope you would reflect my words. With love:)

December 14, 2008 5:08 PM