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Current National Threat Level is elevated

The threat level in the airline sector is High or Orange. Read more.

Homeland Security 5 Year Anniversary 2003 - 2008, One Team, One Mission Securing the Homeland

Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs Lee C. Morris

Lee C. Morris was appointed as Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on September 15, 2008.  Mr. Morris first joined the Department in March 2007 in the Office of Legislative Affairs as the Deputy Assistant Secretary where he represented the Department’s interests before members of the U.S. Senate, including the successful confirmation of several Presidential appointees.

Mr. Morris began his career in the United States Army as a Specialist (E-4) providing infantry security in Europe for Pershing II missiles and nuclear warheads.  He was recalled to active duty during the Persian Gulf War.

From 1993-2005, Mr. Morris served in a variety of positions on Capitol Hill for former Sen. Don Nickles (R-OK), rising to the position of Legislative Director where he oversaw the Senator’s legislative agenda and managed legislative staff.  From 2005-2007, Mr. Morris served as a Federal Liaison for the Institute for Legislative Action at the National Rifle Association.

A native of Oklahoma, Mr. Morris graduated from American University in 1993 with a Bachelor of Arts in Literature.

This page was last modified on October 22, 2008