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Secretary Chertoff Announces New Members of the Homeland Security Advisory Council

Release Date: January 12, 2007

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: (202) 282-8010

Washington — Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff appointed five new members to the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) and its senior advisory committees on Jan. 11 during their quarterly meetings. Judge Louis Freeh and Robert Woodson, Sr. were recognized as the newest members to the council.

The HSAC State and Local Senior Advisory Committee adds a new appointment with Washington State Senator Joe Zarelli.

Jean Spence, Executive Vice President, Global Technology and Quality, Kraft Foods Inc., will serve on the HSAC Private Sector Senior Advisory Committee.

The HSAC Emergency Responders Senior Advisory Committee will add former Sheriff Dan Corsentino of Pueblo, Colorado to its membership.

"I value the advice of the Homeland Security Advisory Council and the Senior Advisory Councils," said Secretary Chertoff. “These five appointments will only augment the knowledge and experience of our membership, assisting in our efforts to draw on the expertise of leading citizens as we strive to strengthen the protections that keep America safe.”

The Homeland Security Advisory Council is the Secretary's primary council and is comprised of experts from state and local governments, first preventer and responder communities, academia and the private sector, and provides advice and recommendations to Secretary Chertoff on homeland security issues.

New members of the Homeland Security Advisory Committee are:

Judge Louis Freeh, former Director of the FBI and currently President of The Freeh Group. Freeh served as FBI Director from September 1993 to June 2001.

Robert L. Woodson, Sr., is the President of the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, which he founded in 1981. He has pioneered the unique community-based Violence-Free Zone initiative which is successfully reducing youth violence in schools and neighborhoods. A young civil rights activist in the 60's, in the 1970's he directed the National Urban League's Administration of Justice division and then served as a Resident Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

New Member of HSAC's State and Local Officials Senior Advisory Committee:

Joe Zarelli, of Ridgefield, Wash., is serving his third four-year term as a State Senator. Senator Zarelli is currently the ranking member on the Ways & Means; International Trade and Economic Development; and Rules Committees. Senator Zarelli is the President of JP Zarelli, Inc., specializing in Business Development and Risk Management services. He served seven years in the Navy and been a Clark County foster parent since 1986.

New Member of HSAC's Private Sector Senior Advisory Committee:

Jean Spence, Executive Vice President, Global Technology and Quality Kraft Foods Inc. She is responsible for all research, product and packaging development, nutrition, quality, food safety & security and scientific affairs worldwide.

New Member of HSAC's Emergency Responders Senior Advisory Committee:

Dan Corsentino is the former Sheriff of Pueblo County, Colorado. The Sheriff served for sixteen years as the County's elected Sheriff. He also served as the Secretary of the National Sheriff's Association.

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This page was last reviewed/modified on January 12, 2007.