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Proceedings of the 9th Annual
Federal Depository Library Conference

October 22 - 25, 2000

Cover/Title Page | Table of Contents | Agenda

Full Text Government Periodicals Project

Paul A. Arrigo
Washburn University School of Law
Topeka, KS

Full Text Government Periodicals Project

Why Create It At All?

  • Need quick access to periodical issues when cataloging and binding serial titles
  • No ONE place to find all of the government periodicals
  • Create a product similar to the CIS Government Periodicals Index
  • Provide access to full text online journals rather than just bibliographic information

Mission of the Project

  • Provide serial issue access to depositories for binding and claiming purposes
  • Provide full text search capability

Located the Periodicals

  • University of Auburn
  • University of Louisville
  • Military Periodical Site

All Links Were Loaded into an Access Database

  • Access assists us with the maintenance of the collection
  • Only need to make changes to each record once
  • Assists us in updating the periodicals on a weekly and monthly basis by keeping track of their frequency
  • Use of a Web-agent

Static Database Query Arranged Alphabetically by Title

Web page screen shot

Static Database Query Arranged by SuDocs Number

Web page screen shot

What About the Search Engine?

  • Received an internal grant from Washburn University of $40,000
  • Participated in a partnership with the Topeka Area Bankruptcy Council
  • Provide access to their decisions
  • Purchased ISYSWeb
  • A full text search engine warehouse
  • Purchased ISYS Spider

ISYSWeb’s Capabilities

  • Index up to 30 different types of file formats
  • Link up to 35 indexes
  • Web Spider component

Web Spider Results

  • Not satisfied with the ISYS Spider brief results
  • Brief results were not consistent
  • Some results displayed HTML tags and others text

Web page screen shot-Child Support Report search page

Web page screen shot-ISYS Search Results

Deciding to Mirror

  • Downloading all of the periodical issues gave us more control over them
  • Provides permanent public access to them
  • Mirrored with Black Widow software
  • Required at least 18+ gigs of hard disk space
  • Very time consuming
  • Ask Dee my documents assistant
  • Restructured our Department

Mirroring Problems

  • Some sites do not allow mirroring
  • Use anti-robot files
  • Several Military sites used these
  • Some formats cannot be indexed automatically
  • Zip files
  • Not accessible some days
  • Difficult to download images in HTML documents


Individual Title Search

Web page screen shot-AgExporter search page

Searching the Periodicals

  • Each periodical title can be searched
  • The subject search was created by grouping the periodicals by broad topics and allowing the user to search more than one title at a time.

Multiple Periodical Subject Search

Web page screen shot-U.S. Government Publications Commodity Titles

What About Backups?

  • Backed up all of the data onto 6 CD-ROMS
  • Search engine indexes are being backed up daily on tape

Future Plans

  • Create a search engine that will search all of the periodicals at once
  • Provide an FTP site where people can download the periodical issue they need
  • Have a partner site at the University of Louisville, who will mirror our site
  • Goal of adding five new titles a week
  • Convert HTML to PDF

Lessons Learned

  • Identify an electronic niche
  • Be Realistic
  • Plan ahead
  • Start small & beta test your product
  • In house project
  • Be patient
  • Be willing to reorganize your department or get outside funding through grants

Cover/Title Page  | Table of Contents  |  Agenda

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
Last updated:  February 28, 2001
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/proceedings/00pro31.html
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