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Proceedings of the 9th Annual
Federal Depository Library Conference

October 22 - 25, 2000

Cover/Title Page | Table of Contents | Agenda

National Agricultural Library

Gary K. McCone
National Agricultural Library
Beltsville, MD

National Agricultural Library

  • Serves As the Nation’s Chief Agricultural Information Resource
  • Provides Agricultural Information Products and Services
  • Coordinates a Network of Public and Private Colleges
  • Provides Leadership in International Agricultural Information Activities

FY 2000 Key Statistics

  • Budget:
    - $21 million Appropriated
    - $2 million Reimbursable
  • Staff:
    - 175 FTE
    - 60 (Contract)

Information Management Activities

  • Acquire information (Collection)
  • Organize materials (Catalog)
  • Provide access to information:
    - Indexing (AGRICOLA)
    - Information retrieval professionals
    - Document delivery
    - WWW-delivery
  • Archive and preserve

NAL Collection

  • 3.5 Million Items
  • 23,000 Journal Titles
  • 70 Languages


  • 1970 - Present
  • 3.5 million bibliographic records
    - ~11,000 records linked to content
  • Worldwide availability

Library Services

  • Reference Librarians & other Information Specialists
    - respond to 40,000+ annual reference transactions
    - produce information products
    - interact with targeted clientele to meet their information needs
  • Document Delivery
    - 160,000+ annual requests for documents
    - Electronic document delivery
  • Electronic Media Center
    - Bibliographic databases
    - CD-ROMs
    - 350 Full-text electronic journals

National Cooperators

  • Land-grant Community
  • Agribusiness Community
  • United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN)

National Center for Agricultural Law Research and Information (NCALRI)

  • U.S. Department of Agriculture Grant

International Cooperators

  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - AGRIS (International Information Systems for Agricultural Science and Technology)
  • Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture
  • Exchange Partners

Electronic Information Initiative

  • Access to Electronic Information
  • Convert Print Pubs to Electronic
  • Preservation of Electronic Media
  • AGRICOLA on the Internet
  • Cooperative Programs

Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC) http://www.agnic.org

  • Distributed network of 35+ partners
  • Organizing agricultural information on Internet

Preservation of Publications

  • USDA Digital Publications Preservation Program
  • USDA History Collection

National Agricultural Library

  • Maximizing access to information through collaborative efforts and utilization of technology
  • Protecting our research investment
  • Ensuring and enhancing access to agricultural information for a better quality of life

Cover/Title Page  | Table of Contents  |  Agenda

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Last updated: February 28, 2001
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/proceedings/00pro24.html
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