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Proceedings of the 9th Annual
Federal Depository Library Conference

October 22 - 25, 2000

Cover/Title Page | Table of Contents | Agenda

Delivering Census 2000 Information to Users

John Kavaliunas
U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC

screen shot-U.S. Census Bureau homepage

Census 2000 Data Products

Our Goal: To deliver timely information in appropriate formats to a variety of customer groups.

Major Product Lines

  • Products: Summary Files, Profiles, Quick Tables, Geographic Comparison Tables, printed reports, maps, microdata
  • Media: Internet, CD-ROMs, DVDs, publications
  • Formats: ASCII, PDF, custom, other


  • Internet
  • Paper


  • Data released first on American FactFinder
  • Community profiles available under QuickFacts
  • Printed reports available in Portable Document Format (PDF)
  • Maps available in Portable Document Format (PDF)
  • Download (FTP) option

screen shot-American FactFinder homepage

screen shot-American FactFinder search page


  • Redistricting Summary File and 4 series of detailed tables similar to 1990 STFs
  • Profiles, Quick Tables, Geographic Comparison Tables, and printed reports (PDF)
  • Maps (PDF)
  • Access software
  • Formats


  • 3 Series of printed reports
    - Summary Population and Housing Characteristics - Sumary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics - Population and Housing Unit Totals
  • Maps
    - Census Block Maps - Census Tract Outline Maps - Reference Maps
  • Print on demand

Redistricting Summary File

  • Total population and 18-and-over population by 63 race categories and Hispanic/Latino
  • Lowest level of geography: block
  • Release date: March 2001

100-Percent Summary Files

Summary File 1

  • Counts and cross tabulations

Summary File 2

  • Tables reiterated by race, Hispanic/Latino, and American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes

Sample Data Summary Files

Summary File 3

  • Counts and cross tabulations

Summary File 4

  • Tables reiterated by race, Hispanic/Latino, and American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, and ancestry

Demographic Profiles

100-Percent data profile

Sample data profiles

Census 2000 Data Products

Quick Tables

Geographic Comparison Tables

Maps and Related Products

  • Census 2000 TIGER/Line Files
  • Census Block Maps (County and Governmental Units)
  • Census Tract Outline Maps
  • Boundary Files

Census 2000 TIGER/Line Files

  • January/February 2001 release without ZCTAs or final address ranges
  • March release with complete geography

Census Block Maps

  • Paper (January/February 2001) (May 2001)
  • HPGL (March 2001) (June 2001)
  • PDF (April/May 2001) (July 2001)

Census Tract Outline Maps

  • Paper, Internet, DVD
  • PDF and HPGL
  • Various releases: January through May 2001

Boundary Files

  • Suitable for desktop mapping
  • Internet
  • Summer 2001

Public Use Microdata Files

  • Unaggregated records of responses to Census 2000 with all identifying information removed
  • Two Files
    - 1-Percent National Characteristics File - 5-Percent State Files
    • 100,000 population threshold for geography
    • 10,000 population threshold for characteristics

Timeline for Census 2000 Data

  • December 31, 2000: Official apportionment counts
  • April 1, 2001: Data for 63 race groups and Hispanic/Latino by block
  • Summer 2001: 100-percent counts and characteristics
  • Summer 2002: Sample data products

For more information:


Cover/Title Page  | Table of Contents  |  Agenda

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
Last updated:  February 28, 2001
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/proceedings/00pro18.html
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