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Day off == carpentry.
OMG. Canvas is a whole new minefield of crossbrowser brain busters.
Shoveled heavy snow. Now hacking on goog's canvas stuff ph turned me on to.
Don't shave it off Cal.
Bathed the youngstresses. Now more b-ball. Ice still falling. I love march.
Home from a grocery run in the falling hail/sleet/snow, preparing to be (cross your fingers) snowed in for the weekend. Now watching b-ball.
Taking kids in for shots. Fun!
Preparing for feature launch.
60 degrees in NYC today. Near 70 tomorrow. As the temperature rises, so does the likelihood that we'll actually release some new features.
Changed a flat tire this AM. Thought: coding DHTML to work in IE is like trying to build roads that let people drive with flat tires.
I have IE headache.
On one hand, it makes life easier that IE7 is +- f*ed in the same way as IE6. On the other hand, OMG I hate coding for IE. Repeating myself.
Wondering if maybe I will start back to twittering. Looking forward to pizza, and some Gradius tonight. And maybe some Lost. And what not.
The Rev is right. New Beatles album is all that.
Amused by: 1) a 3 yr old who doesn't know the diff between a song and a nursery rhyme 2) the crazy melodies she makes up for nursery rhymes.
proposes we abolish the browser and all just learn to interpret html/js/css on the fly.
kvetch: I hate coding anything to do with Dates. Date.fuckOff()
Dan R, we hardly knew ye.