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For Out-of-Towners

For Out-of-Towners

Looking for ways to entertain Thanksgiving houseguests? These museums are open and worth a visit.

Photo: Bill O'Leary/The Washington Post

Inauguration Info

Inauguration Info

Find out how to see the parade and get tickets for balls.

Photo: Melina Mara/The Post

A 'Capitol' Idea

A 'Capitol' Idea

After six years and $621 million, the Capitol Visitor Center is set to open Dec. 2.

Photo: Marvin Joseph/The Washington Post

Where to Eat Now

Where to Eat Now

Critic Tom Sietsema reveals which restaurants deliver the most culinary bang for the buck.

Photo: Sean McCormick for The Washington Post


Places to See

The National Zoo

Meet panda Tai Shan and his friends.

National Cathedral

A gothic church right out of the Middle Ages.

The Kreeger Museum

Modern masterpieces fill a postmodern mansion.

The Newseum

The high-tech museum explores the history of the news business.

Three Days in D.C.

Make the most of a short trip to Washington — explore our restaurants and boutiques as well as historic sites.

Washington 101

An introduction to the National Mall, the monuments and the Smithsonian.

Branching Out

Adventures for families, history buffs, shoppers and people-watchers.

Further Afield

Day trips to Alexandria and Mount Vernon, explorations around Chinatown.

Go Out Lists

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Go Out List Image: Michel Richard

Celeb: Michel Richard

Michel's Favorite Things

The chef picks restaurants he loves, cultural spots and places to relax.

Featured User: mahoneykp

D.C. Activities List

Updated 11/20/2008 | 16 Items

Compiled by Kevin Mahoney



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