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RT @depping: " @gabvirtualworld contact @rhm2k , he can help with RDA issues." Please report any difficulties you're having.
@dmcar Doubly sorry I couldn't attend the Engelbart celebration and couldn't have a cuppa with you this afternoon.
@Beaker Re WAF... Nope, wasn't rhetorical. Honest request for acronym interpretation. Thanks!
@Beaker "Where to the WAF's sit in the cloud?" WAF? Whatsa WAF?
@Beaker Handheld, no friills version is the one to get.
RT @BeauVrolyk: "Some things never change - like politics in Illinois" ... So, who selects new Senator from IL??
@Beaker I got two words for you: oxygenics showerhead!
The business we're in is resiliency for the virtualized datacenter. Predictive analysis + prescriptive guidance = > resilience.
@jamesurquhart Well, James, please don't do anything half-way!! Congrats on the Data Center Networks and CNET blogs.
Guided 5 year old twins through building gingerbread houses this afternoon. By the time we finished, they were both in sugar comas.
@Beaker .... hmmm ... Ya gotta point there. Toughen him up. Do we need to put rocks in his bed?
@Beaker ... and now you've got @teich doing P90X. Limps into work every morning. Groaning from the cubicle. But, I'm afraid...very afraid.
RT @esloof: " @teich RDA V1.1 is much easier to set up. Wizard is a real improvement, ... " Thanks, Eric. That's what we like to hear!!
Dealing with Verizon Wireless. Very competent and helpful, though the problem could have been avoided altogether two months ago.
Preparing for the command performance. Time to put on the game face.
@teich "Not "starting" P90X till Dec 6th,..." Uh ohh. Now there will be NO stopping you!
Have regained some equanimity. Going to the gym and throwing around weights helped. Hot meal may also add to the solution.
Back from Chicago. Plane had the highest desnsity of under 5 yrs old on record. VERY loud flight. Left my glasses in the seatback. FSck.
Family game of Trivial Pursuit. This group is scary.
@dmcar restart while holding down the E key.


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