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Treasury Vision Statement
Financial leadership today for Oregon’s tomorrow.

Treasury Mission Statement
To provide financial stewardship for Oregon.

State Treasurer Randall Edwards is a constitutional officer and a statewide elected official. He serves as the chief financial officer for the State and is responsible for the prudent financial management of billions of taxpayer dollars. Edwards, who took office in January 2001, serves a four-year term and is limited to two terms.

The Oregon State Treasury is a highly sophisticated organization with a wide range of financial responsibilities, including managing the investment of state funds, issuing all state bonds, serving as the central bank for state agencies, and administering the Oregon 529 College Savings Network. The Treasury is managed like a business, striving to save taxpayers money and earn the highest possible return on investments.

The Treasury does not collect taxes, the Department of Revenue does. To go to the department's website, click here on Department of Revenue.

Finance Division
The Finance Division is the central bank for all state agencies and is Oregon's largest financial institution. The division manages over 13 million financial transactions annually - including cash deposits, electronic fund transfers and check issuances - with over $120 billion flowing in and out of the division each year. The division provides an automated banking system to state agencies to help manage these activities. The division also administers the $8 billion Oregon Short Term Fund, a short-term investment vehicle for state agencies' and local governments' idle cash.

Investment Division
The Investment Division manages on behalf of Oregonians a portfolio with a market value of more than $68 billion. The division manages the Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund (OPERF), the State Accident Insurance Fund (SAIF), the Oregon Short Term Fund (OSTF), and numerous smaller funds such as the Common School Fund and the Oregon Growth Account. With assets exceeding $54 billion, OPERF was recently ranked the 23rd largest pension fund in the U.S.

Debt Management Division
The Debt Management Division provides central coordination for all state-issued debt, including over $6 billion in general obligation and revenue bonds and certificates of participation. The division monitors local and national bond markets, as well as financial and economic trends that impact bond issuance structures and interest rates.

Oregon 529 College Savings Network
This network provides a variety of savings plans to help make college education affordable for all families. It provides significant state and federal tax advantages and more flexibility than many other college savings programs. The network is administered by a public board chaired by the State Treasurer.

Information Services Division
The Information Services Division is the information technology (IT) management center for Treasury. The division designs, develops and maintains the technology infrastructure that supports Treasury's business operations. The division provides the network, applications, telecommunications, and IT services to conduct business between Treasury, state agencies, local governments, banks, and other financial firms.

Executive Division
The Executive Division coordinates policy development, strategic planning, legislative initiatives, communications, internal auditing functions, human resource functions, and the publication of all Treasury financial reports. The State Treasurer serves by constitutional authority on the State Land Board and by statute on a number of public financial boards and commissions.

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