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Retweeting @iamfivestar: "making up stories for my conservative parents about what I do for a living..." The new hot game for the holidays!
i used the l-word. but i made sure the squeeze was almost asleep first, so i could later argue that it was just a dream.
Doing the soapbox thing again. Someone awesome just spammed me with something irrelevant and offensive. Quick way to get schooled.
Three cheers for the Pushup Posse! Let's kick some abss!
The program I'm doing is Anyone wanna be in my cohort? Initial test today, start program monday. GO! #100pushups
Initial Test: I can do 0 traditional pushups, 12 knee pushups. Plan: follow program w/knee pushups till i can start it over w/traditional.
@schmutzie Reblogging's a term that sprung up on -- instead of commenting, you give props by blogging it again w/attribution.
My night: social claustrophobia, technoexistential debate, rebloggers who call rebloggers out on not reblogging, a keg, and a wig.
pretty sure that in the grand scheme of things, fridays don't count.
@gaywallet, sending multiple "Join Our Site" emails from the same person without them knowing is considered spam. Please stop that.
Exhibit A: If there were no cigarette, I think the gender impact would change.
the sad part: it actually does make the photo look more masculine. what does that say about our culture?
odd trend from genderfork photohunting: men in women's clothing putting cigarettes in their mouths to emphasize their masculinity. *frown*
Grocery shopping right before a date makes you buy delicious things the way grocery shopping while hungry makes you buy crap.
@winstonthedog I don't want to tell you you *can't* use @boffery, but you should know... there's some controversy around playing with dogs.
Just realized I'll be in NH on Jan 3 and won't make it to Equality Camp. D'oh! Local queers, here's the deal:
Oh, and SPEAKING of smartasses talking about @boffery! Here's the clip from Fox News late show that mentions us!
Wondering where is, in the physical sense, since @markresch seems to be going there today. Does it have fuzzy lounge couches?
You know you've been spending too much time in your own head when you can't tell the difference between a window and a mirror.
Deprioritizing and batch processing romantic relationships may increase work efficiency, but it'll fuck you up something fierce.


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