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@QueenofSpain Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's time for me to start coming into my own.
I am one very fortunate @ricewenchie
I am just amazed at the incredible amount that I have to be thankful for, in spite of (or maybe because of) all that has happened!
Thanks to all who sent positive thoughts my mother's way today. What originally looked like a mass on scan was found to be a hematoma. Whew!
I no longer get to fall apart. I have to be strong. Mom in hospital again ~ unknown mass near/next to kidney. 2nd ct today. maybe biopsy.
My husband's 1 month old son died 12 years ago today.
@tradingnothing blue sperm whale or pot of petunias?
@akaMonty Isn't that part of the parent's responsibilties? To torture, embarass & humiliate our children? ESPECIALLY in public?
just sayin'
...since I don't wear lipstick, I would want to know where he had been the night before...
trying to imagine my hubs reaction to waking up with words written on his forehead in lipstick...
@califmom usually use sharpies but will remember eyeliner in a pinch :)
@califmom @MrsStranahan lipstick or eyeliner... easier to write on skin with...
@vmarinelli I feel honored that someday you may favorite one of my tweets from the crapper. I am humbled by your Twitter dedication. :o}
@Pistachio watched the slice of life video. sigh ~ Idyllic & sparkly; sweet & cozy :o)
@FilmBuzz That oughta be spectacular! I love Johnny Depp. Have a healthy respect for the other two. Not to be approached lightly :o)
@califmom I moved from Seattle to Iowa in 10th gr. Was amazed @ the winter's. They are gorgeous but I don't EVER want to be that cold again!


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