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@ChrisSaad Or is that just wait until Senator Conroy gets his #nocleanfeed in here, you'll see the same in Aus too. Got to sort my hash tags
@ChrisSaad Just wait until Senator Conroy gets his #cleanfeed in here, you'll see the same in Aus too.
Cleaning my Blackberry Bold. I stupidly answered the phone while getting a hair cut and now it has little bits of hair all over it.
@edbrill thanks for those figure Ed. Much appreciated.
Downloading Twhirl which went missing from my desktop in recent PC upgrades
@edbrill Qns on market share of Notes Vs Exch. Do you have links to recent figures you can share please? I think Notes around 40+%
Succumbed to avatar envy - uploaded a new one.
@liako @renailemay Relevant quote is MS dominates SMBs, IBM 10K+ accounts. I think this leads to perception MS more widespread than it is
@liako @renailemay It's hard to count, but it's between 40%- 45%. Most recent source found shows 42.3%
Recovering from a laptop rollover- slowly getting everything set back the way I like it! (ie. Working)
IBM V MS - MS don't claim to be customisable, but you can with effort. IBM claim to be - and you can with effort
Running out of fingers to count the iconsistencies in Connections - like many IBM products it's great OOB but don't try integrate too much!
Interesting trend @forrester are promoting and spamming their own #ForrJS08 at their "Jam". The end of back chanenel digs at presenters?
@charlieperry Nice! Glad to see its finally hit the streets. Hope it was reasonably sensible
Actually making it into office today - looking forward to Bond Store coffee
@annebb Saw you linked Gen-Y web at work. @sachac is here on Twitter. She inspired me to make own DS pres here
Finally finished on a call with the UK... and now starting another call with the UK
Love Twitter, provides the needed break from sanity in my otherwise trying day
@liako try caffiene - 80 expresso shots inside an hour should tip you over the edge
@liako Too hard to do. You need more than 30 500mg tablets and even then it would take hours - days for liver failure. Try cyanide instead.


Mick Liubinskas Chris Saad IdoNotes Sacha Chua DamianM Mike Gotta Luis Suarez Dave Donohue Joshua Nunn orangatame Elias Ed Brill Charlie Perry Forrester Research iggy pintado Guy Kawasaki Jeff Moriarty Ricardo Sueiras hashtags Jason Stirk Stuart McIntyre cglynch NASA Watch danhayne DataPortability MaryBethRaven Matt Highland cnySrettiwT sharmavishal AnneBB Gia Lyons Michelle Zamora Darren Sharp Handly Cameron kimheras Michael Goldberg