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I did a good amount of packing and purged my kitchen of food I couldn't remember buying. Not bad! Now time to change out of dusty clothes.
What is happening on sixteenth and mission today? People are lined up for blocks, but for what?
Packing is great! Yeah, I'm totally packing for my move next week! I am not at all making a chicken pie for dinner tomorrow. No sir.
Dreamed my sister was hit by a streetcar as we were trying to escape an occupied city. Woke up screaming. Cleansed palate with more sleep.
Wrote [moving] "boxes" on my hand this AM so I wouldn't forget. Was wearing fingerless gloves for warm gaming so forgot. Had to turn around.
Feeling a bit put off after ordering poorly at an already mediocre thai restaurant. Harrumph.
Dreamed about being molested in my car by a beehived drag queen with a moustache. Thanks brain, thanks a lot.
Good thoughts going out to @tumorriffic for an easy surgery tomorrow and quick recovery.
Short walk but my toes are already so numb I can't walk right. Wtf
Super excited for Mission Street Food with @mai tonight!
I know I'm late to the party on this, but DEAR GOD Left 4 Dead is fun. I could shoot zombies all day.
smuggled gingerbread cupcake, mmm.
(almost had to IM @harvey1966 to help me remember Liberty Lunch's name - it's long since closed.)
Listening to Uncle Tupelo for the first time in ~15yrs. Remembering dancing to "give back the key to my heart" at Liberty Lunch- great show.
Good morning San Francisco, where did you go?
Kasha varnishkes, for those curious, were (was?) delicious. Hez and I both had seconds. Vegs sub walnut oil, probably.
Cooking kasha varnishkes ( with the schmaltz from saturday night's roasted chicken.
Just finished a rather unpleasant phone conference. Mostly just confusing! Why are we talking?
Throwing together dinner from fridge: farro cooked in stock, leftover chicken, goat cheese, escarole (BG represent). Wish I'd had shallots.
RT @bhsharp ridiculous SF "documentary piece" The confusion of transients with criminals is absolutely appalling.