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has board games!
I've been visited by the book fairy. Real World Haskell and Programming Collective Intelligence.
@auroraintheskye you've seen the weather forecasts, right? Are you prepared to be snowed in with your mom?
@gorthx Ahh... I would have signed up to bring a main dish, but the form suggested I shouldn't. Too late to go shopping now.
Also, BYOB, I'm assuming?
potluck signup for the coders' social only includes sides and dessert. Are main dishes being provided or is this just a snacky affair?
realizing I haven't been riding my bike enough lately.
"Your dominator's dominator dominates you. It all gets rather kinky." #pdxfunc
"for programming languages, increased performance effectively increases expressivity" #pdxfunc
Wondering why I put 4 layers on my upper body but only 1 on the lower
trying to work up enthusiasm to get on my bike to go to #pdxfunc. I imagine it's cold out there.
@spinnerin yeah, I have the same problem. Doesn't help that my desk is next to two windows.
@rabbidavid can you imagine the badness if emails automatically sent themselves after a while? /me shudders
@reidab are you still looking for a crockpot for tomorrow?
@emmajanedotnet @gorthx I read that quote as an (exaggerated) paraphrase of a previous comment. Did you see it otherwise?
@gnat I like this idea of programming as the new shop, but I think it would also be good if we still taught the old shop. And home-ec.
@timoreilly tesla is underrecognized, but there's definitely a bit of crackpottery in that article
You might have a power-tool problem if you feel the need to buy one of these:
partially disassembled the espresso machine last night. This morning it seems to work again. Think I scared the life back into it.
@wdr1 good quote; what's the source?


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