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Finally settles on a Twitter ID for my translation service, @babels. Not ideal, but it works. Probably start it while on vacay this weekend
Racing the SF Yahoo! Shuttle to the office. My taxi and it keep trading off the lead.
I think I'm going to write a Twitted translation bot if I can't sleep. International SMS is cheaper that INTL data.
On board flight for SFO. SPOT is rigged in the window and I'm ready to sleep!
After having to go buy another suitcase, finally all packed. Time to shutdown laptop and go to the office one last time to say goodbyes.
Feeling a little queezy this morning. I think its the lack of a good night sleep, but that is my body's own fault so it can't complain to me
@basictheory I've got a really good Javascript one so it should be fairly easy to port if the AS3 one you got ends up not working well.
Thanks Facebook weirdly targeted ads but I don't care if @mager is a fan of Coors Light, I still think it's nasty thank you very much. :P
@bonforte I am using a mix of brand and models, felt that was safest. Seagate 1tb, WD Black 1tb, Maxtor 1tb and I think Hitachi 1tb.
@bonforte It doesn't loose data in my experience. It just freezes every once in a while causing my Drobo to freak out and rebuild raid array
Even basic words like house/home are shorter, aka wlq (keystrokes) or 집 (Hangul character) This is fun! Should have been learning a week ago...
Beginning to appreciate the beauty of typing in Korean. Which would you rather type, rnrwpghk or internationalization? 8 vs. 20 ... hmm.
Why is it the night before an intl flight I rarely can sleep? Its a long flight so plenty of sleep time, but gotta make it to the flight 1st
미 은 경 anybody give me a better translation of that than Google / Babelfish? I think I got the characters right this time, but not sure....
I know the letters formed the right words, but sadly google doesn't translate it for crap... trying other translators now.
OMG! I just took a hand written note written to my in Korean and typed it into Google translate using the Intl keyboard on a Mac. WOW!
@koblas Actual hard work (but shorter hours than usual, only about 60/week). I can't give details publicly though.
@bonforte You might want to consider returning that drive. I've returned both of mine. Data Robotics decertified them for Drobo usage too.
I think I could swim to the US, grab copy of the code, swim back to Korea, type in the code, and still get it faster than I am right now.
Very excited and very depressed I am going to be going home tomorrow. Why do I always end up in such conflicted states? :( :(


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