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New blog post: Happy Thanksgiving!
Goodbye, everyone. Signing off for today. Will be offline until Friday, at least. Enjoy time with your families over Thanksgiving!
@Moonvine Thanks, Joan. That means a lot to me.
@PMolinero Thank you for your kind words.
@Moonvine Thank you Joan. She was a special woman.
@vbright Thank you, Veronica. I appreciate your good wishes.
@GrowWear Thank you, Mimi. I appreciate it.
New blog post: In Memory of Mattie Lee Dilbeck
New blog post: Seth Godin on how to make money on the Internet
@Dana_Willhoit Good morning, Dana. I don't know about snorting Folger's crystals, but I do know about chocolate covered coffee beans. Wow!
@vbright Yes. My Dad always used the phrase, "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed" when you asked him how he was. Probably refers to squirrels.
@patinkc Good morning, Pat! It's a cold morning here. I'm thankful for the local propane company. How are you?
@Moonvine Good morning, Joan. You're up bright and early. I'm already "bushy-tailed" but I'm still waiting on "bright eyed." (grin)
New blog post: Happy Birthday to!
@lucianop I would not email previous commenters of my blogs unless they had given permission by subscribing to a list. JD


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