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good night
Good Morning !! Time to start my day
time for me to hit the sack.. good night everyone : )
@mrsb- I feel like a big loser voting 10 times but I did it anyways. I think that is pretty crappy of Heba to do that to Ed.
@mrsb- who are you voting for.. I am voting for Ed.
@mrsb- me too.. If I get a chance I am going to vote her off tonight : ) enjoy the show
heading out in the snow to work.. have a good day !
getting ready to start my work week
going to fold my laundry and go to bed.. Good Night !
I am cooking fresh haddock I just bought for dinner ... YUM !
I need a maid
its housework time ; (
Good Morning... beautiful day here in Portland Maine only one problem its 10 degrees and feels like - 2 .... YIKES !!!!!!!!
time for bed
My Dad took a family picture of us last night at dinner I had to hold my iPhone up in the picture she is now part of my family Thanks Apple
watching Obama on Meet the Press while surfing the web on my laptop.. I am so good a multi tasking : )
watching President Obama on Meet the Press
I am up sipping coffee listening to christmas music and watch my yule log fire on one of the HD channels
the battery in my iPhone is dying gonna recharge it for a bit


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Evan Williams Sarah Milstein Jason Goldman Jason Shellen Buzz Andersen Derrick Rod Begbie seanbonner Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Ross Dave McClure Chris MacDonald Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Derek Gathright Martin Hall Jason Ruby Jeremy Hubert Scott Beale Manuel Viloria Mark Smithivas Antonio Edward (jeff)isageek Dustin Jacobsen Dan Patterson Brett Petersel Erik Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr. Brian Del Vecchio Matthew Bischoff
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