Jim Kleckner’s Favorites

jamiefishback @slippy I'm no longer next door, I'm sure you heard about Uber
Chris Pirillo
chrispirillo Great. 10,000 apps in the iPhone App Store. Problem is: you can only have 144 of them on your iPhone at a time. HELLO?! OVERSIGHT!
scrabbler99 I'm thankful that the dog that chased me for half mile at 20mph just wanted to be petted and not eat me.
hotdogsladies Any company that hires an "Evangelist" should also bring on a "Ruthlessly Honest Dick." Just to keep the first guy from making shit up.
Tara missrogue Hunt
missrogue Good luck on your opening, Uptime in Chico California: #coworking
nomatophobia Peggy from New Hampshire: asking the tough job interview questions.
The @w00d
sarahatwood really love @tubefilter's feed. they are on top of their stuff.
dooce The day after a funeral is always filled with a little too much meaning.
Tara Brown
tara I know I'm sick, I just can't decide what type yet: mentally, emotionally or physically.
alexalbrecht Getting some food at Kokomo cafe... Buffalo Chicken sandwitch FTW!
sean percival
seanpercival @centernetworks i think in my next life (5 years) it would be fun to blog full time. seems like folks are doing pretty well at it.
Peter Rojas
peterrojas Over at Ryan's house, just had dinner with Jill and Katie at Cha-Ya on Valencia.
Eric Rice
spin I brought up a question last night for folks about conflict of interest with the Loren Feldman/Seesmic video. That's one/
Bill Palmer
billpalmer if your hotel doesn't have in-room internet access, it's not a hotel. it's a rustic cottage.
Casey McKinnon
caseymckinnon Editing the next Galacticast in the car on the way back from Boston.
Clintus McGintus
Clintus A guy who should have been cut off an hour ago just got carried out by the manager and 1 of my brothers. My dad had him headlocked first.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Livia Philip Kaplan Jason Cosper seanbonner Xeni Jardin om Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Aubrey Sabala Brittany Bohnet Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Michael Sippey Justine drew olanoff Steve Woolf Bill Palmer Veronica Belmont Zadi Diaz Kitta Meg Hourihan dana j. robinson Tantek Çelik Bre Pettis Zach Klein Aaron Mickipedia irina slutsky Andy Baio Justin Hall Jason Carlin
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