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I'm on potato duty...sweet, mashed, and what else can you do with potato variety
finishing website for launch on Monday
project for students mashup session #mindcamp
Mashup session #mindcamp
creating a new way to work and play
heading to tweet up sorry to miss you krish
feeling a bit loserish for missing Gnomedex...have to go to meetings at Google MTV
Looks like I'm mostly a zzz
Senoj winery in woodinville tonight. 8:00
going to a birthday lunch in Belleuve -food...need food
getting ready for parade and bar-b-que...if we can keep the rain away
enjoying the sun in seattle
love the moon tonight!
could we have one more day like today...amazing fall day in Seattle
wondering about what is next for me personally - winds of change
wondering about what is next...
checking out powerlabs...
going to lunch 2.0 at Widemile
mowed the lawn and now getting ready for garage sale tomorrow
checking out MindTouch Deki Wiki