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New at Sabre

(Last website update: May 21, 2008)

Sabre Foundation Report at Library of Congress Conference on Iraq, March 2008
At the invitation of Dr. A. Hadi Al-Khalili, Cultural Attaché of the Embassy of Iraq, Tania Vitvitsky presented a brief report on Sabre activities in Iraq at the Library of Congress conference on "Health, Education and Socio-Economic Developments in Iraq Today" in Washington, D.C., March 27, 2008. See report.

Sabre's Africa Milestone: $100 Million in New Books and Educational Materials Donated
See full story.

Sabre Foundation Chosen for 2007 Catalogue for Philanthropy
download press release

"Strengthening Library Collections at University and Other Libraries in Iraq", a presentation by Executive Director Tania Vitvitsky at the Society for International Development (SID), SID-Washington, Development Information Workgroup, November 14, 2007. Download here. (Powerpoint slideshow 4.5 MB)

Latest Newsletter Available
Sabre's Fall Update can be downloaded here.

Sabre Foundation/ASSABIL Book Program in Lebanon
Download report

Executive Director Tania Vitvitsky Interviewed by Kate Brosnan of Plum TV (Nantucket)
Click here for interview in 13 minute documentary about Sabre.

New Books for Iraqi Universities

Since the establishment of Sabre's Book Donation Program in the late 1980s, the Foundation has gained a reputation for getting educational materials into "difficult" places, often countries emerging from or engaged in conflict. Examples include the Sabre programs in Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Somalia. The most recently-established initiative, however, presents a formidable set of challenges, as Sabre strives to enhance the libraries and classrooms of universities in Iraq (particularly in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq). For most recent press release, click here.

In Memory of Touch Heng
Sabre mourns the loss of one of its employees.

Indonesian Book Fair

Sabre Foundation was in attendance at the Indonesian Book Fair held in Jakarta from the 6-10 December, 2006. Click here to view slides in pdf (4.11 MB) or in its original slideshow format (12.4 MB .ppt)

Sabre's Vietnam Program

Download here for a full report (3.31MB)
For local press coverage see:
Nhan Dan
Viet Nam News

Sabre Foundation is not a grant-making foundation.
The Foundation relies on external sources of funding to underwrite its programs.

Humanitarian Aid for the Mind

Sabre Foundation and Shipments to Arab/Muslim Countries

Between 2001 and 2007 Sabre Foundation sent more than 530,000 new books and CD-ROMs—with a fair market value of over $19 million—to Arab and/or Muslim countries. See full Story

New Books for Iraqi Universities

see full story

See the Cambridge Chronicle for more on this story


Many fine charitable organizations attend to humanitarian needs associated with displacement and hunger. What is often lacking is the foresight to provide humanitarian aid for the mind: support for the educational infrastructure vital to countries in either conflict, or in transition, or countries that are already on the road to development. Education must surely be the long-term key to not only ensuring localized stability and prosperity, but also to peaceful co-existence and understanding between nations.

Now in its 20th year the Sabre Foundation's Book Donation Program is a highly effective and creative way to assist in areas of the world where access to learning, for one reason or another, has been inhibited. See highlights of Sabre's achievements.

Sabre's Book Donation Program is renowned for its quality - for a statement of Sabre's Book Donation Philosophy - click here.

Reports of the demise of the book are premature. If this holds true even in countries that are digitally advanced, then the implication to be drawn has to be that in developing and transitional countries, the book is as vital as ever. For an overview of the state of the global book publishing industry see Andrew Grabois’ article “Bound for Success,” kindly made available online by Foreign Policy: to download article click here.