National Writing Project

Special Feature—
Letters to the Next President:Writing Our Future

Watch Letters to the Next President in the Classroom

Students and Teachers 'Go Digital' to Research and Write About Election Issues

The voters of tomorrow are using 21st century skills to make their voices heard today through Writing Our Future: Letters to the Next President, a project sponsored jointly by the NWP and Google. More ›

Letters to the Next President: A Real-World Purpose for Student Writing

Teachers who participated in the Letters to the Next President project said that their students were motivated by having a real-world purpose for their writing, and the project engaged them in this year's political process. More ›

The Writing Classroom as a Laboratory for Democracy

Don Rothman, former director of the Central California Writing Project, discusses how he taught writing "as if the world depended on it" in his 30 years in the classroom. More ›

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