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Brad - When the sky looks like this, and it's cool enough to wear a (rad) coat, I am happy for winter.
My second Best Skins Ever went on the face of my G1 just fine, no scratches on it at all... except I trapped a tiny hair under it. >:(
Outdoor furniture should be designed with no non-visible nooks and crannies for spiders to hide in/under.
Waking up and being totally ready for the day at 9 a.m. is great... except that no one is awake at this hour. No one I know, anyway. Poor UK users don't get Wikipedia access all because of a naked little girl on an album cover.
Unsubscribing from Achewood in gReader. The story lines started to bore me ridiculously. Down to just XKCD in my comics folder.
I had a dream that I had the coolest hair ever,
About to get my eat on all up on some baby cow @ Lascari's Grill in Brea.
They cancelled the focus group so we just ended up filling out regular sheets. It was Monsters Vs Aliens. It was alright.
But unfortunately we can't bring in our phones so I have to go back to the car and put them away.
P and I got selected as two of the twenty people who get to tell them our opinion of the movie.
I was smoking a cigarette and this lady yells at me "please don't exhale toward me! I don't mind if you smoke but god!" and waved her arms.
Leaving for the Block @ Orange. Movie screening! Kids movie tho...
This house is hideous but I do indeed want to fuck in it a lot. "Sunset Plaza House of Sin" Yay orgies.
Who wants to go to the Grammy Museum with me and P today? I am thinking of taking us. Looks like a good time. Just opened.
Just to geek out for a second, but the parking map on the Grammy Museum website is really slick.
Live in Echo Park? Want a real live poet (laureate) to come to your door to read poetry to you? Pretty sick.
Second pre-8AM tweet just for @thedesertbaron. Plenty more to come!
Woke up with a real bad headache pretty early. Applied my new front piece skin to my G1 (not as well as the first time). Yawn, yawn. - This is a great G1 wallpaper.


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