Strengthening our Military

11/16/05: Dodd Lauds Passage of Defense Bill to Support America's Armed Forces

November 16, 2005
Washington D.C. - Today, the Senate passed the Defense Authorization bill, which will help strengthen our military and boost Connecticut's defense industry. This bill provides a number of important benefits to military personnel in a time of war. The bill includes a 3.1 percent pay raise for all military personnel, expands health care benefits to children of troops killed in action, raises military death payments for the families of military personnel who have died in the line duty, and increases Service Group Life Insurance coverage for military families from $250,000 to $400,000 for all service members.

"Our nation's troops are giving their all on the field of battle. We need to ensure that they and their families have our support, but also the resources and equipment to prevail. This defense measure is a step in the right direction," said Dodd. "It lays out a blueprint to help ensure that our nation remains strong in a very dangerous world. I'm particularly proud that Connecticut workers - as they have in the past - continue to play a vital role in our national defense. Their work in building submarines, helicopters and other vitally important weaponry continues to strengthen our national defense and help fuel our state's economic engine."

Also included in the bill was an amendment authored by Senators James Talent (R-MO), Joe Lieberman, and Dodd to authorize another multi-year contract to procure 42 more C-17 aircraft and would encourage the Department of Defense to emphasize strategic airlift needs in the upcoming Quadrennial Defense Review. Pratt and Whitney manufactures the F117-PW-100 engines in Connecticut, which power these aircraft.

The bill will promote Connecticut's defense industry by authorizing the following:

  • Virginia Class Submarines: $2.4 billion to produce one Virginia-class submarine.
  • Submarine design and engineering: $185.8 million; including $30 million above the President's budget request for a Multi-Mission Module for Virginia Class submarines.
  • SSGN Conversion: $334 million to continue converting ballistic missile submarines to attack submarines.
  • Long Aperture Bow Array Sonar: An increase of $10 million above the President's budget request.

11/14/05: Statement by Senator Christopher J. Dodd on the Iraq Amendment to the FY 2006 Defense Authorization Bill

November 14, 2005
Remarks as prepared.

Mr. President, today the Senate is attempting to assess the current situation in Iraq and figure out what needs to be done to get us on a track for success there. Senator Levin and others have an amendment to get us on that track which the Senate will vote on tomorrow. I would like to take a few moments now to express my thoughts on Iraq; how we got to where we are today, who is responsible, and what we need to do to move forward.

10/27/05: Statement of Senator Dodd on House BRAC Vote

“We’ve officially crossed the finish line. And Sub Base New London, the people of our state, and our nation’s security are the clear winners. There are many people who made this day a reality, but most importantly, it was the people of our state who never gave up, never stopped fighting, and who believed in this base and its mission. Obviously we still have work to do on our state’s Air National Guard, and that is a fight we’ll continue to wage. We’ll also need to continue to fight for every single dollar for submarines and this base to ensure that this base, and our nation’s defense capabilities, are protected.”

10/15/05: Podcast en Espanol: La Enmienda por Reembolsandoles Para la Armadura

Submitted by Chris Dodd on October 15, 2005 - 11:18am.

Download the podcast here:

10/05/05: Statement of Senator Dodd on the Body Armor Reimbursement Amendment

Mr. President, this is old business in the sense of what I am bringing up was a matter considered a little over a year ago on similar legislation. I regret that I have to come back again this year. My colleagues voted unanimously a year ago to adopt this amendment or an amendment very much like it. The other body as well agreed to this amendment during conference between the two bodies. It became the law of the land.

10/03/05: Senator Dodd tours Fermont's generator manufacturing operations.

Senator Dodd tours Fermont's generator manufacturing operations.

Providing for our Troops and Protecting CT Jobs: Senator Dodd visited the Bridgeport-based manufacturer Fermont where he announced plans for an additional $4.4 million in orders that will support Connecticut jobs and provide critical equipment for our troops serving overseas. Fermont manufactures generators used to power large military camp sites, medical units, and communication centers deployed in combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan.

10/02/05: Team Connecticut Rallies to Celebrate the U.S. Navy, U.S. Submarine Force, and the Sub Base New London

 Team Connecticut Rallies to Celebrate the U.S. Navy, U.S. Submarine Force, and the Sub Base New London

Celebrating the Sub Force: Team Connecticut held a rally to celebrate the U.S. Navy, U.S. Submarine Force, and Sub Base New London’s presence in Southeastern Connecticut. Calling it a "national treasure," supporters celebrated their successful effort to remove the base from the Pentagon's closure list. "Sub Base New London was on life support earlier this year but thankfully, through a lot of ha

10/02/05: Thoughts after the BRAC Rally

Submitted by Chris Dodd on October 2, 2005 - 11:43am.

Today's rally celebrated the BRAC commission’s vote to keep Sub Base New London open. This was important because it allows for our submarine technologies to remain a part of the structures of our national defense. This vote was really in my view a battle within the navy between the surface ships and the submariners.

When you have 400 submarines plowing the ocean of the world and more than half of them are being operated by countries that are not necessarily our allies, in fact a lot of them are quite the opposite, it seems important that we be able to respond to that technological threat. Submarines are a stealth technology; they’re what America’s going to need as part of our 21st century national defense.

9/24/05: Senator Dodd's Statement on BRAC Commission's Decision to Save Submarine Base New London

“Chairman Principi and the BRAC Commission today stood up for America’s national security needs and reversed the Pentagon’s senseless proposal to close Submarine Base New London. With their vote today, the Commission recognized how critically important this installation and the United States submarine fleet are to meeting the military challenges of the 21st century.

As the Commission’s decision showed, our case was rock solid, based on the true military value and cost assessments of Naval Submarine Base New London. The nation owes a debt of gratitude to the nine BRAC Commissioners and their staff for their truly exhaustive and independent analysis.

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