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@jenseninman Every true nerd knows the famous kitteh-heat corollary: If warm, then cat.
what the heck is spotify and should someone give me an invite? Boy, go to sleep for a few hours and miss years of the infosocial revolution.
dead lizard at the door / kitteh purrs and licks her paw / Now that it's dead / it's not a lizard, just a bore
@glazou That would only be necessary if we were twins separated at birth.
@cazm take as many as you need. You can even pass this packet of magic Arizona sunshine and fresh air on to others!
@herko But the point of ME wearing Amsterdam Ajax socks is the Ajax pun. Where's the pun in Feyenoord Rotterdam? (Surely there is one ;))
@a_mayer Sure! It's not just the Swedish that have unconventional relationships, you know ;)
Gorgeous December day here in the Old Pueblo. :: offers free packets of sun, blue sky and fresh air to all in need ::
is still in her PJs wearing her Amsterdam Ajax socks (sorry @ppk)!
@wabbitoid You're spot on. Mike has great authority over what he CAN do with someone's account vs. what he HAS to do. Mean clients lose out.
awestruck that people can work /and/ effectively raise a family. I just have a part-time grizzly, full-time kitteh & it's enough for me :)
@msantoyo How can I palm a bear's shoulder if I can't even reach it?
People were mean to him at work last night. He's a credit service specialist for citi during rough $ times. Don't be mean to service people!
@rgnelivic Oh he is such a savage beast. That's why dogs, cats, lizards, the neighborhood kids, homeless and crackheads follow him home!
@glazou Would it be better to approach the bear shouting French insults? (If so you'll have to teach me some good ones ;))
@whimsikay it's just post-birthday blues and now he's singing. He's a harmless bear. Unless he falls down and you happen to be in the way.
@manoloweb but you hide it so well! ;)
@JHVanOphem :: HORROR :: are you suggesting I feed him the cat?
is there such a thing as "MEN"ses or Permanent MALE Syndrome, or does a normally sweet guy get a post-birthday allotment of grumbly days?
Halp! There's a 6'7" grumbly bear in my kitchen! Kitteh and I have both retreated to the upstairs office to avoid being growled at.


Biz Stone Dunstan Tom veen Lori Scott Fegette Mack D. Male Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Kevin Lawver Arun Ranganathan Jason Calacanis George Kelly lane Glenda Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Kingsley Joseph Sooz Stephane Deschamps Lisa McMillan Cal Henderson Steve Ganz David Orchard Alex Hillman l.m. orchard craig zheng Mike Rundle Lachlan Hardy Keith Kitta Michael Newby Elliott Pesut Kevin Cheng
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