Strengthening our Military

1/17/07: Dodd Announces Bill Requiring New Authorization for Escalation in Iraq

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Any increases above 1/16/07 troop levels would require Congressional Authorization; Precedent Exists in 1973, 1983, 1984, 2000

1/16/07: Dodd, Kennedy Question Gates on Armor Shortages for Our Troops

Reports that Trop Increase Won’t be Adequately Protected

January 16, 2007         

Washington, DC: Today Senators Edward M. Kennedy and Chris Dodd sent a letter to Secretary Robert Gates questioning him about a recent report that two new brigades of troops the President intends to send to Iraq will be deployed without the protection of the most up-to-date armored vehicles.  The Senators, who strongly oppose the escalation of the war, contend that "it makes no sense to send even more of our forces into danger" and ask the Secretary of Defense to explain what he is doing to rectify the problem and provide adequate protection.
Last week, Senator Kennedy introduced legislation that would require Congress to vote before the President escalates troop levels to fight a civil war — giving the American people a voice in the process.
Senator Dodd is the author of several provisions signed into law to provide U.S. military members critical combat equipment, including a 2006 measure to restock thousands of war-battered military vehicles and a 2004 initiative to reimburse troops for buying their own body armor and other gear for use in Iraq and Afghanistan.

12/13/06: Senator Dodd Announces Trip to Middle East

December 13, 2006

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) will leave Friday for a week-long trip to the Middle East to commend American troops for their service, assess the current state of affairs and willingness of regional leaders to help the United States, and examine firsthand how the proposals put forth in the Iraq Study Group Report impact the region.  In addition to Iraq, Senator Dodd will visit Syria, Israel, Lebanon and Jordan.

10/12/06: Dodd Calls for Greater Support of U.S. Army in Letter to Secretary Rumsfeld

October 12, 2006

Washington, D.C. – In response to reports of plans to retain current troop-levels in Iraq at approximately 140,000 over the next four years, Senator Chris Dodd today voiced his concerns about troop preparedness, the size of the active Army force, and vehicle and equipment needs.  He believes that to maintain U.S. forces in Iraq at current levels is undermining U.S. efforts to stabilize Iraq and to adequately prepare to defend U.S. national security interests elsewhere.  In a letter to Secretary Rumsfeld, Dodd calls on the Administration to fully fund the repair and replacement of combat gear damaged and lost in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to relieve strains on individual soldiers by expanding the overall size of the United States Army.

9/29/06: Dodd, Lieberman Announce Appropriations for Connecticut's Defense, Submarine Industry

September 29, 2006


WASHINGTON – The Senate today approved the 2007 Defense Appropriations Conference Report, which has already been approved by the House of Representatives and is expected to be signed by the President.  Due to the efforts of Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Joe Lieberman (D-CT), the bill supports Connecticut’s defense industry, particularly in the critical areas of submarine research and technology.  In addition to boosting Connecticut’s economy, the funding will help ensure that U.S. soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines are outfitted with the resources they need to perform their missions. 

9/28/06: Dodd Army Readiness Amendment Approved by House-Senate Defense Panel

September 28, 2006

Washington- Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) today announced that his amendment, which was co-sponsored by Senators Dan Inouye (D-HI) and Jack Reed (D-RI), to the 2007 Defense Appropriations Bill, addressing potential shortfalls in critical combat gear that challenge U.S. military readiness, was retained during the conferences between the Senate and the House Appropriations Committees. The 2007 Defense Appropriations Bill conference report is expected to be voted on by the Senate by the end of the week; the House of Representatives passed the conference report yesterday.

9/19/06: Statement of Senator Dodd on Administration's Announcement of Troop Levels in Iraq

September 19, 2006

“This is an extremely sobering assessment of the situation on the ground in Iraq.  I wonder what, if anything, the Bush Administration is demanding of Iraqi officials in return for such a sizable continued presence of US forces in Iraq.  Because after more than three years of occupation, it is crystal clear that military force alone will not bring peace and stability to Iraq.  The American people have a right to know the game plan and timetable for Iraq’s political leaders taking full responsibility for governing Iraq.  Announcing the continued presence of US troops at current force levels is neither.”

9/14/06: Statement of Senator Dodd on Military Commissions Legislation

September 14, 2006

“I cannot remember another issue before the Congress when such distinguished individuals weighed-in so strongly in opposition to what the Bush administration is trying to strong arm the Congress to pass.

“Five distinguished retired military officers including retired Generals John Vessey and Colin Powell, and 9 distinguished retired United States Federal Judges including some of the most experienced and competent individuals to sit on the bench, have publicly raised serious questions about two controversial provisions included in administration-sponsored legislation to establish military commissions: redefining U.S. obligations under Common Article 3 of the Geneva Convention; and striping the federal courts of jurisdiction to test the lawfulness of Executive Detention at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Station and elsewhere outside of the United States.

9/14/06: Dodd Urges Appropriations Panel to Uphold Provision Vital to Army's Readiness

September 14, 2006

Washington- Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) today wrote to the Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee chairman and ranking member urging them to retain the Dodd-Inouye-Reed Amendment in the 2007 Defense Appropriations bill, as conferences begin between the Senate and the House of Representatives to align the two versions of the bill.

The Dodd-Inouye-Reed Amendment addresses potential shortfalls in critical combat gear that challenge U.S. military readiness identified by military commanders. Sen. Dodd’s amendment, which was included as part of the 2007 Defense Appropriations bill and approved by the Senate 98-0 last week, would make available $6.7 billion to the military to close the funding gap in the President’s proposed defense budget originally disclosed by Army Chief of Staff Peter Schoomaker.  Prior to passage of the Dodd Amendment, the Senate bill only partially addressed the needed funding level sought by General Schoomaker.

9/11/06: Statement of Senator Dodd on Fifth Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks

September 11, 2006

“America will never forget the treacherous and heinous attacks of September 11, 2001. We will never forget the blood that was shed. We will never forget the lives lost. And we will never forget the unfathomable pain inflicted on families forever changed by a loss of a family member or loved one.

“But we will also never forget how our nation responded on that fateful day. There was incredible courage, patriotism, charity and resilience exhibited by every first responder, law enforcement officer, and every citizen across this great nation. The true greatness of our nation’s character and spirit was on display on that day and thereafter.

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