marshallk’s Favorites

Rick Turoczy
turoczy Coming to the conclusion that 140 characters enhances polarization. Not much middle ground between "Pollyanna" and "pissed" around here.
Peter Cooper
peterc @marshallk: Nice to see Feed Digest is still coming in useful!
Jason Grigsby
Satyajit Grover
samgrover @marshallk Here's the pipe for SXHotdogs filtered as you wanted using your own csv file:
Brian Edwards
bjedwards my neighbor,basically a ski bum married to a doctor, asked if I wanted to go golf today. I like my job but I think he's on to something...
James Governor
monkchips why is it men losing their hair are always the ones that accuse longhairs of having mullets?
Justin Kistner
metafluence down with MS Paint celeb gossip blogs!
Shawn Zehnder Lea
shawnz Re-tweet of HTML special characters I love: ♫ → ☼ ☻ ♂ ☺ ♀ ♪ ♥ (just copy and paste and save for later use)
Nate Koechley
natekoechley innovative blog spam: "Please, do not delete the given message. Money obtained from spam will go to the help hungry to children ugandg"
Aaron Hockley
ahockley @ev Desktop apps don't have nearly as much downtime as certain web apps
spinnerin Today's fun search term for my blog: "coloring pages for yaks". "Photo of two teapots looking mean" is good too.
Ben Tremblay
bentrem "Daddy, while the world was falling apart, what did you do?" "Baby, daddy was A-list! I was like honey to the bees ... buzz buzz buzz!"
Tim Kersey
entangledstate new followers: if your "twitter karma" is out of whack or your bio includes "marketing", I'll probably not follow back. Nothing personal. ;p
Brian Oberkirch
brianoberkirch Playing the @marshallk 'dataportability' drinking game, & I'm so hammered I may not make the keynote.
B. Hussein Fishbones
verso @turoczy Let's OFFICIALLY start PDX Twitter! Storm! Team! group so we can post about the weather and screech SNOW like rabid howler monkeys!
Brian Oberkirch
brianoberkirch Like the photos I have 'other' copies of don't have the same sparkle as the flickr versions. The magic is in the notes,comments, etc.
Don Crowley
dccrowley IMHO I think Scoble is wrong/ and I *am* a hugh dataportability fan.
Aaron Hockley
ahockley Oh dear lord, now our dog is videoconferencing.
rgleeson December's clear night/ turns to january while/ pink martini sings
Amanda Chapel
amandachapel Pretty sure stowe boyd is going to apologize tomorrow. The stubborn libertarian down with corp. american crap is tough to sustain at xmas.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams kellan Sarah Milstein Alissa Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Chris Wetherell Jason Shellen danah boyd Mary Hodder Brian Walsh seanbonner Xeni Jardin Sean Colin Schlüter Ian Hay Wayne Sutton Ross Mack D. Male om Dave McClure Brad Davis Seal Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Brian Oberkirch Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus Brij Singh Dion Hinchcliffe J Chris Anderson Tim Kersey Hillary Hartley
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