ariel publicity’s Favorites

shannonhurley thinks her "Ready to Wake Up" CD would make a nice a gift for the holidays..
Brett Radin
BrettRadin Who do you love more? Alfalfa (Little Rascals), The drummer from Tears for Fears, or the written novela known as Jesus Christ Superstar?
Kristie Wells
kristiewells Nice post from @ikepiggot on 'absolution' and blends in a strong use case for Social Media.
Jeff Herring
jeffherring New blog post: My TeleSeminar Secrets Story - with Jeff Herring & Alex Mandossian
Steve Rubel
steverubel Interesting study about PR Newswire pickup in Wikipedia.
Mr. Crap Mariner
isfullofcrap Just overheard two oil execs in the tunnels whining about having to switch from solid gold toilet paper to gold-plated.
josh charles
joshcharles question : do any of you confuse me with the actor josh charles?
Mack Collier
MackCollier New post for the night shift: Social media is a lotta damned work:
Troy Tolley
CocteauBoy Just saw a dumbass in THE VIEW audience supporting McCain by holding up a misspelling of "Maverick." Hilarious and Sad.
Andri Sigurðsson
andrisig @cyberpr Icelandic bands I'm going to see on Airwaves: FM Belfast, Mammút, Agent Fresco, Motion Boys, Andrúm, Benny Crespo's Gang and GusGus...
Scott Simpson
scottsimpson In Chicago. Is there a Billy Joel lookalike contest going on around here?
Dave Peck
Jason Kottke
jkottke You've not been overloaded with cuteness until you've witnessed an unprompted 15-month-old hugging a kitty cat.
DaveJMatthews I find the state of American politics heartbreaking. And the dominant news coverage suffocating, panic inspiring, septic mis-information.
Tim Coyne
timcoyne thikning about starting a podcast? take my PODCASTING CLASS at
Michael Gibson
lovehasnologic Key to fixing malfunctioning tech: bitch about it on Twitter and then go try again.
Joshua Levy
levjoy Forgot my kasha varnishkes at home.
MikeyPod Working with preschoolers means always wondering if I smell like pee.
Jonathan Coulton
jonathancoulton Just saw my image in the mirror: unshowered, flowery baby sling, underwear. Sorry ladies, this one's taken!
Mr Messina
factoryjoe I don't know why, but McCain reminds me of mayonaise.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Chris MacDonald Mr Messina Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Sooz Scott Andrew Justine Alex Hillman Rich Ben Brown Chris Brogan julien Whitney Hoffman Justin Kownacki Bill Palmer Matt John Federico Jay Moonah Jim Long Boris Mann Beth RT Herwig Brian Solis Tantek Çelik debs Joshua Levy Tom Conrad Ben Ward Lee LeFever  C.C. Chapman Howard Greenstein
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