Mick Liubinskas’s Favorites

Jeremy Pepper
jspepper At Yogurtland w @christinelu and others - plus the little man.
Graham Dawson
gpdawson @liubinskas Happy b'day! Make sure to focus on fun today. ;-)
Peter Fellows
ArmyofDolls Between politics and credit doom, it's good to see a chart that isn't misleading: http://graphjam.files.wordp...
Nik Cubrilovic
cubrilovic shhhh.. you had me at 'i fucked up'
Renai LeMay
renailemay @dobes I had to line up for 3 hours. So Optus. There are no queues for Vodafone and Telstra iPhones.
Clay Cook
ClayCook lest we forget
alan jones
bigyahu eating planets (how you finish explaining solar system to 6yo using fruit)
Brian Caldwell
Brian Caldwell
Phil Morle
philmorle @ChrisSaad I agree that Facebook is a silo and needs RSS... but it IS cool since API landed.
Michael Kordahi
Cris Pearson
atariboy Sometimes I feel like other peoples lives are so much more simple than mine. But really, we are all.... you know...
Cris Pearson
atariboy flashback: 7Eleven - homeless person making a instant noodle soup cup, asks the counter attendant for a napkin then walks out without paying
Rachel Cook
mintigal Am thinking, 90% of luck is trying, 10% is sheer intelligence + determination.
Cris Pearson
atariboy Never mistake motion for action
Brian Caldwell
briancaldwell Make your own web 2.0 logo clever
Cris Pearson
atariboy New Skitch menubar icon. What ya think?
Tara missrogue Hunt
missrogue Just found out that Mix07 won't let me into see Chris' talk. Really, I could give a damn about the conference. Maybe I can sneak into that 1
Kristie Wells
kristiewells Playing with (loving this) & (track bloggers by neighborhood) this morning.
ivanoats guitars + roofs + friends = chill night for the northbeachniks


Blaine Cook om Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Dave Morin Jason Calacanis Morten Lund Phil Morle Norberto Meijome alan jones Vinnie Lauria Colin Brumelle Larry Stowe Boyd Lachlan Hardy Emily Chang lisa Brian Solis Snook Michael Specht ivanoats Russ ben barren Stephen Collins dotBen Jeremy Pepper Peter Wells Jeremiah Simon Wright Jajah Frederik Hermann Kristie Wells Nivi Mark Jones
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