May 31, 2008

Rogers: World's energy woes not news to US

American consumers and leaders can do little to reduce energy prices in the short run but must plan now if prices are going to get better in the future, Congressman Mike Rogers said.

Rogers, speaking to the Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce's Eggs and Issues breakfast on Friday, said he gets more questions on rising gasoline prices than on any other subject.

"The nation is really struggling with energy," he said. "The people are fed up. Everywhere I go, people are mad."

Rogers can't offer constituents any hope of immediate relief. In fact, he said the opportunity to solve today's energy woes passed several years ago.

"We have known that the challenges we face today were going to happen," he said.

Rogers said it has been obvious for about a decade that economies in India and China were growing and would demand more energy. That increased demand is the biggest single factor in rising fuel prices, he said.

The congressman suggested consumers must begin to reduce their dependency on oil and U.S. companies must find more oil deposits.

That includes drilling in the deeper waters of the Gulf of Mexico if U.S. companies hope to stay competitive, he said. China has just signed a deal with Cuba to drill for oil in the gulf.

More refining capacity is needed in the U.S., where a new refinery has not been built in more than 30 years, Rogers said. And companies should continue to be encouraged to develop alternative fuel sources besides ethanol.

"Corn-based ethanol is not the answer," said Rogers, pointing out that other plant sources may work. "We know the technology exists."

Consumers must have an appetite for the fuel to make it economically viable.

"I am optimistic and excited that we have cars that run in different ways," he said, singling out flex-fuel vehicles that can run on up to 85 percent ethanol.

Rogers said he supports taxes and other incentives.

"You can't get from where we are to where we need to be without the government being involved," he said.

-- By Cosby Woodruff


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