Mike Rogers, Proudly Representing the 3rd District of Alabama
  For Immediate Release   Contact:  Marshall Macomber or Rob Jesmer
February 5, 2004 (202) 225-3261
Press Release
Rogers Slams CBS, Viacom Execs,
Kicks Off Letter Writing Campaign
Issues Second Letter to CBS, Viacom Executives,
Asks Third District Citizens to Write Letters of Protest
Washington , DC  -  CBS, Viacom and MTV executives ‘abused the public trust’ with the ‘trash’ and ‘filth’ seen during the Super Bowl, Congressman Mike Rogers said today, and called upon all Third District residents to join him in a letter writing campaign to protest the network’s vile programming.

Rogers began the campaign this morning in a letter sent to Viacom President and CEO Mel Karmazin. In the letter Rogers argued that as a license holder of public broadcast spectrum, CBS has “a responsibility to the millions of families that watch these programs to insist upon and uphold standards of decency.” An estimated ninety million Americans watched the performance.

“I am outraged at CBS’ premeditated and cavalier flaunting of any acceptable standards of public decency,” Rogers said today. “The network is clearly in violation of FCC decency standards for public broadcasts, and it’s time CBS and Viacom executives are held accountable for their actions.”

Rogers called upon all Third District residents similarly outraged by the CBS program to send letters of protest to CBS and Viacom executives via his office. Residents may send letters through Rogers’ website or by sending hard copies to his Washington, DC address. All letters will be forwarded in bulk by the end of February to Viacom, the parent company of CBS.

“This is an issue we cannot let fall by the wayside,” Rogers added. “Nothing will change unless they hear from us.”

Rogers said his office has received over 1,000 letters complaining of indecent and lewd behavior on television like that seen during last Sunday’s Super Bowl. Rogers has also co-sponsored H.R. 3717, the Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2004.