Mike Rogers, Proudly Representing the 3rd District of Alabama
  For Immediate Release   Contact:  Marshall Macomber
December 6, 2005 (202) 225-3261
Press Release
Rogers’ Montgomery Bus Boycott
Resolution Passes House
Recognizes 50th Anniversary of protest
Washington, D.C.  -  Congressman Mike Rogers said today the House of Representatives passed unanimously his legislation honoring the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Rogers said the legislation would help further honor the life and legacy of Tuskegee native Rosa Parks, as well as help pay tribute to the many other Alabamians who participated in the historic events in Montgomery.

“Fifty years later our nation still has much to learn from these historic events,” Rogers said. “I hope this resolution provides one more way to help honor Rosa Parks, as well as helps pay tribute to the many other Alabamians who helped make this protest a movement that changed our nation.”

Rogers said the passage of H. Con Res. 273, a resolution honoring the 50th Anniversary of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, was an important step for Congress. “Passing this resolution is one more way we can keep Rosa Parks’ legacy alive for generations to come, and I thank my colleagues in the House for their strong, bi-partisan support for this legislation,” he said. The bill passed on a voice vote.

The resolution reads, in part, ‘Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives, that Congress recognizes and honors the 50th anniversary of the Montgomery bus boycott, and recognizes the historical significance of the Montgomery bus boycott to the United States.’

Rogers said the bill passed today with 73 co-sponsors, including all members of the Alabama delegation.

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