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Watched Prince Caspian. Was good. Enjoyment was had by all.
@katiekillian Thank you! I am festive.
Just had to un-do a ton of crocheting because I am an idiot & lost a stitch every row. Siiiiiigh.
I just joined the Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet.
I wish there was a way to know whether the next thing I ingest will make my abdomen go all stabby again.
Laundry's a-doing. Soon the house will be full of clean clothes, and we will all rejoice.
Finally figured out that WP thing. Was like pulling teeth, but works beautifully now.
Can't get this freaking template to work in WP. I tell it to display one category and it displays them all. WTF?
Okay, Pandora might have won me over. I admit nothing.
@brampitoyo Um... (don't know what song it was though...)
TECHNO JINGLE BELLS. My life is complete.
Listening to detour XMAS on iTunes.
New tattoo: pretty (so pretty!) but - ouch! Weirdly hurts worst at the top, which is 1/3 up my calf. Thought ankles, but no.
Getting ready to head over to Pearl District Tattoo
Waiting for @mattbeck's FedEx to come.
Amazon is releasing a free Christmas song every day until - well, you know. They're not terrible. (Toddler needs holiday music...)
Retouching holiday photos. It's surprisingly relaxing. You should try it.
Word of advice: do not listen to the little voice that says McDonalds would be a good choice for lunch.
@kerri9494 YOU ROCK. Am now a Zappos VIP. :)
Meg Cabot didn't make her NaNoWriMo goal this year either. This makes me feel obscurely better.


Evan Williams Xeni Jardin Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Scott Beale Matthew Gifford Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Molly E. Holzschlag Justine Bernie C Larry Maxine Sherrin Jeremy Keith Tantek Çelik Hickensian Patrick Haney Colin Devroe Derek Featherstone Matthew Pennell pixeldiva Beep. Snook Jacob Reiff Dan Rubin Nicole Lee Veerle Pieters Paul Boag Derek photomatt Ryan Carson Matthew Oliphant Jeff Croft JC3 Malarkey
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