The Montana Transportation Commission and Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) use a transparent, data-driven asset management process to distribute limited funding to address highway improvement needs on Montana’s major highways.

Based on overall policy goals and actions established through TranPlan 21, Montana’s statewide transportation plan, the Performance Programming Process (P3) uses safety, congestion, bridge, and pavement data from MDT’s management systems to help the Commission and MDT determine the most cost-effective distribution of Federal and State funding to highway systems and improvement categories. MDT’s District Administrators then propose projects, based on public input, that conform to these overall funding distribution decisions.

The public has an additional opportunity to comment on proposed projects through the annual Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), a five-year list of projects. Finally, MDT adjusts the schedule of projects through the Tentative Construction Program (TCP) annually to reflect funding constraints or delays in project development.

MDT also uses information from its management systems and input from the public during the development of Corridor Planning Studies.
Construction Projects,
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) & TEntative Construction Program (TCP)

The annual Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) identifies proposed transportation capital and operating projects for the next five years. Highway project information includes project number, route and reference post, estimated completion year, and a general description of the proposed scope of work.

MDT’s Tentative Construction Program (TCP), a project scheduling process, identifies the general location of highway construction projects planned within the next five years.

Highway - 191 Gallatin Canyon Safety Improvements
Old Highway 312 Safety Improvements
Parkhill and North 13th Street West - Billings
Red Lodge - Northwest
US 2 - Downtown Havre
US 93 Information - The People's Way
US 93 - North of Hamilton


Corridor Planning Studies

MDT uses corridor planning studies to determine cost-effective ways to address corridor transportation needs. Corridor planning studies emphasize early and continuous involvement of the public and environmental, regulatory, and resource agencies. The studies generally contain the following elements: issue identification, documentation of existing conditions, environmental analysis, traffic forecasts, development of goals and a purpose and need statement, and a list of improvements to meet goals and long term corridor needs.

Great Falls South Arterial Alignment Study
Bicycle/Pedestrian Path between Helena and Great Falls
Sidney Bypass Study
Whitefish Corridor/Transportation Study

Libby North (Hwy 567/Pipe Creek Rd) Corridor Study
MT 78 Corridor Study
US 2-MT 16 Transportation Regional Economic Development (TRED) Study
US 93 Corridor Study: Missoula to Florence

Transportation Plans

Transportation Plans provide State, local, and tribal governments with a valuable way to determine and address future transportation needs in their jurisdictions based on public input and technical analysis.

Comprehensive Hwy Safety Plan
Safe Routes to School
TranPlan21 Amendment

In addition to TranPlan 21, Montana’s statewide transportation plan, many other Montana jurisdictions have transportation plans.

Great Falls - 2003
Missoula - 2004
Billings - 2005
Butte - Silver Bow
Bozeman - 2001
Helena - 2004