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Inquiry Into the Low-Rent Housing Project at 157th Avenue--79th Street, Queens, New York, Proposed by the New York City Housing Authority
B-118718, March 14, 1972
Activities of the Springfield Housing Authority and the HUD Fort Worth Regional Office
B-118718, March 6, 1970
Concrete Inspections and Testing Requirements in the Construction of Low-Rent Public Housing Projects
B-118718, March 24, 1970
Review of Certain Aspects of the Linda Pollin Memorial Housing Project in Washington, D.C.
B-118718, December 15, 1971
Administration of the Leased-Housing Program
B-118718, February 4, 1970
Acquisition of Public Housing by the Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority, Akron, Ohio
B-118718, June 21, 1972
Problems in the Program for Rehabilitating Housing To Provide Homes for Low-Income Families in Philadelphia, PA
B-118718, March 19, 1971
Design Specifications for Windows in Low-Rent Housing Projects in Atlanta
B-118718, December 8, 1970
Inquiry Into the Low-Rent Housing Project at 108th Street--62nd Drive, Queens, New York, Proposed by the New York City Housing Authority
B-118718, December 1, 1971
Acquisition of Crestview Apartments by the Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Authority
B-118718, December 14, 1970
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