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Showing 1 - 10 of 14 results Sort by: date | relevance «previous next»
Effect of Intergovernmental Cooperation Act on Smith-Lever and Hatch Act Grant Payments
B-146285, April 10, 1978
Revenue Sharing: Its Use by and Impact on Local Governments
B-146285, April 25, 1974
Request for Comments on H.R. 14740
B-146285, September 24, 1976
Revenue Sharing: Its Use By and Impact on State Governments
B-146285, August 2, 1973
[Comments on S. 1835]
B-146285, November 19, 1979
Revenue Sharing Funds for Programs for the Handicapped and Children
B-146285, May 30, 1974
General Revenue Sharing Funds Allocated to Programs Specifically and Exclusively Designed To Benefit the Elderly
B-146285, February 14, 1974
Information on the Interest Cost of the Revenue Sharing Program
B-146285, October 2, 1973
Clarification of Audit Requirement
B-146285, March 23, 1979
States--Federal Aid, Grants, Etc.
B-146285, September 15, 1971
Showing 1 - 10 of 14 results Sort by: date | relevance «previous next»