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Working on CATT Listserv. (Updating members)
Visit for all of your music needs! :)
WOOT inbox down to 4 read messages! :)
I guess twhirl doesn't work... will troubleshoot at a later date! :( Don't feel like it right now! :)
@sarahcofer have ya heard any abt the internet connection for Thursday??
Firing up Twhirl... for @Iowahamradioboy @iowagisboy @iowatechboy and @iowaarcheryboy
I'm going to be *hopefully* be getting a shi tsu dog named snickers. WOOT!
Helping the kids @ school w/ their FirstLegoLeague Programming. They had a bunch of kids, now they only have 2! Parents signed a contract th
going to snacktime in nevada.
Chatting w/ a libarian! :)
@geogirl Have you seen a C6?? It is better than the C4!! :)
At home finally! after that COLD walk!!
goin' to bed! Good night all! :)
http://beacon.schneidercorp... Interesting... Land Surveying from Matt Boeck! :)
Any one have a job description for GIS Coordinator?? Just looking for a basic one. Thanks!
Have a TON of homework :( And had a snow day today! :(
going to eat supper! YUM! :)
Jost got done w/ the job shadow w/ m.b. Very interesting! :)


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