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@whitneyhess René Descartes would have said, had he been on Twitter, "I lurk, therefore I am."
@mike3k thanks for your (postive) Wordpress 2.7 beta quality feedback.
WordPress 2.7 sounds good. After it goes gold for self-hosted blogs, I'll wait for bugs to settle out. Then GO FOR IT.
@Jordanbrown5 is the CLEAR winner re your question on domain names
Chip can automatically eliminate "vampire" electricity drain by devices that are suppossedly turned "off" (great idea!)
Said by @whitneyhess "You can @ it to me..." First time I've seen usage of @ as a VERB. Where's the Chicago Manual of Style when we need it?
@whitneyhess I visted your blog and liked what I read. remember, I could be dead wrong! <g>
@Baelen I could not find the feed for your website. would like to subscribe. thx rjeffries at gmail dot com
@Baelen have you considered offeringan RSS (or atom) feed for your website? Bookmarks are so 1990's. Google Reader will be your blog's BFF
@cmdln sorry you've been reduced to drinking cheap booze. ;)
Just added @whitneyhess to my ~short~ list of Smart People. Note that my taste in people is good, but not infallible. ;)
@sbtodd am using @TweetLater to see my @replies via email. Works great for me. I'm not scheduling future Tweets
See: for a long list of LDAP resources [via]
Next.db (in alpha) looks pretty interesting. excellent ratio of ease of us vs. power to do useful stuff.
Updated Google Reader (gReader) seems ok/fine to me. I sure wish they'd allow me to sort feeds by "number of unread items" Please?
@jeneane at about what dollar level of transactiondoes paying using PayPal make economic sense?
@jowyang asked "I've joined the baby boomer social networks like TeeDeeBee, Eons, and Boomj ...Do I sound wiser yet?" In a word, uh, NO. ;)
Markmail is a great tool for searching and reading email list archives.
How bad is unemployment situation? It's U-G-L-Y [via WSJ]
@sbtodd why ar eyou at Starbucks? we are in a deep recesiion. instant coffee ain't that bad. ;)


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Evan Williams Dom Sagolla rabble Hook Sarah Milstein Philip Kaplan Steve Jenson Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Chris Baum Jerry Michalski Chris Sacca danah boyd Pete Hopkins Ross peterme Mr Messina enoch choi Dion Hinchcliffe Jeff Bonforte Scott Beale Rob Hayes Jason Calacanis lane Brian Del Vecchio Kevin Edward Vielmetti Nelson Minar Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Chris Marsden Jim Long Zadi Diaz
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