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The vet didn't know the name of our cat so he just kept referring to him as Our Mighty Friend. Meg: "Vets are weird."
Dealing with the dryer of death. The lint bombs have been neutralized but I'm worried about post-Amana-ic stress disorder.
@megnut Duh! So are emred, emyellow, emcornflower, emchartreuse, embrown, and emheathergray.
The Internet smells a little better today for some reason. Oh right, Valleywag got flushed away. Now that's change we can believe in.
Deeply embarrassed to admit which famous man I thought was a woman. (No, it's not Evelyn Waugh or Alice Cooper.)
Pure selfish ambition is a wonderfully ugly thing to behold.
Your hyphenated name strategy doesn't have a good exit plan.
A whole evening with Penelope!
There's only one Baracktober! Wait, I'm too late, right?
I collected a bunch of election red/blue maps from various media outlets:
I hear yelling and cheering in the streets.
Lots of political Tweetenfreude predicted for this evening.
I have voted.
I am voting.
I am going to vote.
Google Street View car, please drive past my voting place & let me know if the line is short enough for me to go vote. Thx.
I'm assuming there's little point in updating tomorrow, what with people riveted to election coverage.
@alainabrowne Congrats! We were tracking on the web and cheering from afar.
Slutty nurse? Really? That's the best you could do?
Lots of New Yorkers wearing Jew and police costumes today for Halloween.


Evan Williams Dunstan veen Matt Jones Michael Sippey heather joshua schachter Cameron Marlow Stewart Butterfield Caterina jcn Meg Hourihan finn Nick Sweeney Matt Webb Ben Cerveny Andy Baio Anil Dash Rex Sorgatz Liz Danzico Dean Cameron Allen Alaina janelle Eliot Shepard Tim Shey jjg Matt Haughey Mark Wilkie David Jacobs bryan boyer Paul Bausch jake dobkin Benjamin Trott KDUNK Hoefler+Frere-Jones Steven Johnson