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Digging the new Fireman record / Best Paul McCartney in a looong time, FTW
Great talk by Arkadi Kuhlmann and Bruce Philp / Pre-Thanksgiving quietude is unnerving / Must. Stay. Focused!
Don't put mustard greens in the juicer! / Productive day at work / Sitting in on an NYU Stern class tonight / Jonesing for Arlo Guthrie
Lightbulbs / cardboard / tvp loaf / true blood / Saturday!
Soymilk gone bad! / the choking man is a slooow movie / soon: quest for spotlight lightbulbs!
"Come, Josephine, in My Flying Machine": How quickly did we lose the popular dream of our own personal flying machine?
At iq2 debate on google
Super gray day / House bound! / Leftover pizza for lunch / Patlabor is rather boring / Thinking about electronics
The woman who just moved into the workspace near my desk talks REALLY LOUDLY on the phone / Need to come up with a way to gently discourage
@BillBraine Ahem, they're _garbanzo_ beans, thankyewverrymuch
@pomeranian99 Also, check out and
Patapon 2 reminds me of Larry Marder's Beanworld. I wanna play! / Rainy day / Enjoying John Jakes's "Mask of Chaos"
Did T.I. crib O-Zone? Yes, he did. / Computerworld, three phone calls in a row from an inept operator do not a renewal make, even if free
Filling prescription at a new pharmacy in Chelsea / The new Rolling Stone format is kind of cute / Qwitter is inexplicable
@gregory Whoda thunk that Mr. Galant would turn me onto dubstep? Thanks!
@BillBraine The call... it's coming from inside the house!
Red eye from LGB to JFK / Four hours of baby crying / Landed at 4:45 / Couple hours of quality sleep at home before heading in: Golden!
Anyone have a good source for bottle brushes?
@andreakremer Ha. I don't think that counts. ^_^


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Lars Dennis Crowley Jason Shellen davegray Jerry Michalski Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Ross tedr peterme Harper Michael Sharon Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Dan Patterson Brett Petersel Dave Winer Jason Calacanis George Kelly lane Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Sooz Stewart Butterfield Geoffrey Long Jason Fields Ben Brown Aldon Hynes Dean Landsman Edward Vielmetti Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan John Federico
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