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@jenbee Don't forget the people who want to take the disabled boy's therapy pony away!
@sippey I know, those obscure independent releases are easy to miss.
Today's plan: Pot of RitRo coffee, Mark Twain's The Innocents Abroad, and ten buttery little boxes to reheat as needed. Also: leisure pants.
@mat It totally will. Andersen Cooper has that little nose twitch he does.
Just learned about Long Island Wal-Mart trampling death. Horrifying.
Oh shoot! I totally overslept the 4:30 am Walmart opening.
Slumdog Millionaire is excellent. Highly recommended. Now *why* is there no Fernet in this apartment. Ginger tea will have to do.
At the Sundance Bukkaki for a postprandial film. At least the "amenities" fee includes comfy seats.
wow. What was I thinking, letting mike talk me into a burrito for lunch.
A couple things to be thankful for:
The gym should have a special Thanksgiving soundtrack.
Stuffing a butternut squash into the killing cone.
@AndrewCrow Is your waiter a paramilitary sex-mime? Because that was my experience at Supperclub.
@anildash I'm showing up at your place tomorrow to test out that theory.
Waking up the office post-lunch with some Gogol Bordello (but not that stupid song they sold to Yahoo!)
I'll back him up. In person @mccreath is really just like a box of kittens on nitrous oxide.
@halvorson and I are plotting to take over the world. We have the West and Midwest covered. East Coast? @bobulate I'm looking at you.
@odannyboy Well, I am (pre)ordering mine! I should be done with the Carrie Fisher autobiography by then. Nice bird!
Ended up with some Sparks/Moroder, Gogol Bordello, Booka Shade, and Ladyhawke. 45 tracks to go!


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Evan Williams sara Philip Kaplan Steve Jenson Rael Dornfest Chris Wetherell mai ario veen Jason Shellen rae brune Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Chris Jones danah boyd Mary Hodder Grant Shellen Rod Begbie seanbonner Xeni Jardin Matt Jones Michael Ferguson derek dukes om tedr Narendra Dave McClure Nick Douglas Andrew Crow peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch
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