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Corner bodega has a sign in the window advertising "Peace Cereal." I have not been eating this. Sorry about all the wars, you guys.
Body lotion is counter intuitive. You clean off in the shower, and then rub oily goo all over you so you can feel sweaty again.
Sick toddler, so I've memorized every episode of Wonder Pets. "Refined Media Taste 101" begins with Godfather II. We'll build to Fight Club.
Big fan drops off truck bed. Ten minutes later, Mercedes blows through stop sign without looking, acquires new hood ornament.
The planning stage is my very favorite stage. It's so pleasantly distant from the failing stage.
Awake since 2 a.m. Confused by small things, like how tap water works. Have decided against using the glue gun.
The boy is not only hugging trees, he's begun to kiss them. Next he's going vegan.
This is the thing about city life: stumbling upon the corner sake tasting. Nice.
Listening to the guys at the next table as they discuss a friend of mine who runs an online business.
This is what I do with my free time: "12 Most Entertaining Fetish Photos on Flickr"
My phone is missing. It's like heaven! Except I can't fly. And there are no zero-calorie fries. And I'm not surrounded by dead people.
Since the election, I have an almost uncontrollable urge to high-five every black man I pass on the street.
Man. It's nice to wake up the day after an election and know who was elected.
We're sick, watching Wonder Pets and sharing a bowl of popcorn. Hank looks up and says, "This is fun." ... Language acquisition rules.
Decided voting would be more effective than screaming obscenities at Yes on 8 protesters. Voted.
The little guy had a nightmare at 4 a.m., so I brought him into bed. Now there's a Hot Wheels imprint on my ass.
The muscles you use to whip your head from side to side when dancing with tequila in hand? I don't use those much. Ow.
I want to achieve maximum efficiency without getting all worked up about it. I'm aiming at peacefully frantic. Serene rampage.
Hank refuses to wear any of the three costumes we've offered. Will he grow up to be the guy in the "Halloween Costume" tee? Oh dear.
Note to all: prosecco-valdobbiadene Villa Sandi, Veneto, Italy NV


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